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Studies were as boring and mundane as you expected. Teachers talked your ears off, and there were countless times where you were gazing at your desk like it was some sort of soft pillow. Being unwilling to focus leads you to start playing with anything to keep your mind busy; like twirling your pencil, doodling, etc.

Of course you were caught a few times by your homeroom teacher, all of which you were given a small slap on the wrist and good ole' public humiliation.

The classroom as of now was full of excitement after the bell had rang permitting a brief 15-minute break for all students while the teachers gathered in the faculty's office for usual meetings. You stretched your arms and legs in your seat and then closed your notebook, dazing away quietly as you shrink in boredom.

Per usual, you'd watch as Shiro would stand out of his chair and then leave to the doorway without a word. You assumed that he was leaving to the vending machines like he'd done just the other day. And, well, while you loved some free time-- you didn't want to spend it doing nothing. So about a few seconds after Shiro had left, you also stood up and walked towards one of the two doors in your classroom shortly before leaving.

Of course no one really paid you any particular mind since frankly; they didn't care enough, only Seiichiro appeared to show interest by following you with his eyes. Though he simply continued to sit where he was and mind his business.. after all there were a dozen notes that he had to complete.

You on the other hand stopped in the hallway and promptly scanned the perimeter - noticing no sign of Shiro who you managed to lose track of within a heartbeat. "That was... fast?" Ah, whatever. Assuming he left to the closest vending machines, you knew you had to wander near the outdoor courtyard if you wanted to catch up with him... So that's exactly what you'd done.

The courtyard was bright and surprisingly desolate. Clearly he wasn't there either, so part of you had already given up on the search. But since you were already there, you didn't want to skip out on the opportunity to fetch a drink. Having slipped a few quarters into the vending machine that sat there alone, you pressed one of the many buttons on the machine to vend some banana milk for yourself. Ironically it reminded you of Shiro and the lunch you promised you'd prepare for him.

A subtle thud made your attention drop towards the compartment containing your beverage. It was nice and cold as it fitted in your palm upon picking it up- and you literally wasted no time in digging your white straw right through the aluminum covering. You were about to take a sip before your nose caught wind of an incredibly potent scent of tobacco. In fact, the smell was closer than you thought. No teacher would ever be so audacious as to smoke openly on school grounds.. which is why you tossed that idea aside and figured this reckless behavior could only be a hard-headed student.

Your [E/C] eyes shifted towards the shroud of bushes on your left-aware that the scent was tracking from one location and one alone. "Eh? Hello?" You called out as you spotted cigarette smoke peeping out behind the bushes. "You do realize you shouldn't smoke on school grounds, right?" Whoever you were talking to didn't matter. What matters is whether or not they had any decency.

Yet another puff of smoke lifted up into the air unannounced, while the hidden guest loitering behind neatly trimmed bushes remained silent despite your words. It ticked you off a little bit, but you didn't have a single interest in entertaining someone arrogant.

Another tousling sound occurred from behind the bushes, and before you knew it- out popped a person like they were looking to give someone a heart attack. Obviously you were bound to react like any sane person would; and that would be to charge up the most profound scream known to man. Your new encounter saw your reaction and moved swiftly like a plague: reaching out to grab you with what little distance was remaining between them and the bushes.

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now