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Kirigiri stopped down the hallway, hands on knees right beside you. By the time she lifted her head, her expression seemed to be terrified. "We have to tell a teacher, we have to-"

Suddenly she felt a grip around her wrist. You yanked her back, gaze demanding for answers. "What were the two of you even doing?!" You shouted, squeezing against her arm. Kirigiri nearly fell to her knees, as her fear kept her adrenaline rushing.

"I think... he was trying to hurt me..."

She'd admit. Of course, any normal person would choose to believe her after witnessing something as uncomfortable as that, however you didn't.

You didn't want to believe it.

No matter how much the pieces fitted.

"Li.. Listen... Seiichiro does everything for a reason. Maybe he was pulling a pran-" You were cut off by Kirigri's forceful action; yanking her arm away. Her looks went from frightened, to angry. "No! I have to tell a teacher, better yet; report him to the police!! We can't have a psychopath walking these hallways!"

Your thoughts clouded.

Slowly, you'd part your lips, abruptly stuttering as your predisposed words tried to escaped your throat. "W...Well I see what you're coming from. As much as I want to, we can't say anything without any evidence. Seiichiro is smart enough to frame you for false accusations."

That's when it came to mind;

The fire extinguisher.

Kirigiri went silent, disturbance written against her face. She felt like you were defending him, and unknowingly... that's exactly what you were doing. She angrily stomped her foot, bawling up her fists. "Fine! Then I'll just do this without you. I was the victim. As much as I love him, I'm not going to let Sei slide."

Before you could protest, the redhead made her way from within your area. "Wait! Yatsouba! The- The fire... extinguisher..." By the time your finished sentence could end, she was already down the hallway. For someone so snobby, she had quite a heroic character.

Though, decidedly you headed toward the room you entered last... your homeroon classroom. Nervous, you were starting to regret even coming close to the room. But with your fear being pushed aside, your hand budged the door to the side, all while you managed to bring your gaze through first.

He wasn't there.

Nor was the fire extinguisher.

Sighing to yourself, relief slipped down your body. Noticing that he took what you were after; you made the crucial decision to enter only to take photos of the broken emergency showcase, as well as glass shards.

"Well something is better than nothing..."

Crouching down, you slipped your ceullar device from your pocket gingerly, immediately swiping to take photos. But during this moment in time, you failed to see movement from behind you. The figure leaned forward to press their hands against their knees, right beside you. And once you realized there was someone within the area, you shot your head into their general direction, startled horrendously which was the reason for your skidded fall.

An feminine gasp left the other's lips, her eyebrows curling in both guilt and dismay. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I startle you?"

Yet another sigh. It was only Kirigiri...

"When did you get here?? I thought you went the other way?" You'd frantically inquire. Kirigiri, however, discreetly scoffed. "I remembered Sei had a fire extinguisher. So I came here to get it."

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now