10 : bad blood in ivy walls

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Dead gray eyes.
Black hair.

Black with little brown strands and grey with a little green.

This is him.
Kai Altair van Woodsen.

He looks different as I would've expected but not like this. He's tall. Atleast over 6'1. His face is more defined. Cheekbones, the jawline. All the way down to his collar as I can see. His lips looked fuller and he himself looked like he wanted to commit murder.

Eyes dead, not an sign of life underneath. His hair messy. His jaw clenched. His all, unhappy.

My eyes wandered back to his but it was his oh so filthy mouth that got me out of my trance.

"They do let anyone in these days."
Firm, unmoving monotone.
Deep, annoyed and unpleasant.

He hadn't changed a lot, not as if I would care.

"They did let you in didn't they?"
He looked everywhere at me but never met my gaze.

"Don't get lost." And with that he turned around.
What's with that in this school?

I rolled my eyes and followed.

For minutes we didn't speak.
He would just point and mumble at what something was supposed to be.

After a while we came to this hall.
It was filled with large windows and porcelain sculptures.

I took notice of the Velázquez on my left side.
I was admiring the art work when someone came up to him.

The fact that I'm stil processing that I'm here. He's here. Where here together. I haven't seen him in so long and my short attention span keeps me from understanding.

"-sup man, got some hot chick there."
And there goes my focus. WHAT?!

I turned my attention away from the painting and stared at him. I took in his face.
George Lucas. I know him.
Part of the small town charm.

"My fucking god that's ESTELLA MCQUEEN!"
Now I looked him right in the eye.

By the second I blinked he was gone, running like his dear life depended on it.
To this Kai let out a chuckle.

I didn't even have time to comment due to someone walking in. Oh and not just someone but Kelly Hastings?! Again small town.

"Hate her." I mumbled and surprisingly he did to.

He looked at me even more irritated than he did before. "Don't talk."
"And who the fuck are you?!" I responded.
No but actually who the fuck are you and why are mad at me?

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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