06 : New and steady

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I lost

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I lost. Wow
At least to someone that wasn't a complete bitch.

"Damm." Roxanne blurted after we saw the e36 sped off. She knew that Brooke is one of the best racers in the state and seeing her loose hardly happens.

"Damm indeed. I mean I almost never loose. Who the fuck is she?" I said thinking out loud, still watching the car that is almost out of sight.

"Don't worry my dearest bitch I'm on it."
She spoke typing away on her phone.

"What are you talking about." I asked tuning to her.

"Well Brooklyn, I got her plates." She said smugly. "When I have her name we can set up a meeting for you and your new idol. She can show you some tricks."

"Fuck off. I never loose. Well only to him but not to anyone else. She must be new right? Otherwise we would have at least heard about her."

Roxy looked at me and nodded. She looked at her phone when the sound of a notification was heard. She immediately smirked.
"Arsen texted me."

I just rolled my eyes, "Fuck Jenn's going to be pissed that we are late and doesn't he have some detention or something." I spoke while starting to drive to where we where supposed to go.

"We'll fill her in all about our mystery girl than and no he doesn't have detention. Hes at his grandparents." Roxy said.

"Well no sexting for you." Which made Roxy snort.
We had a odd sense of humor.


We drove up to the driveway of Jennevieve's mansion. We both got out of the red car and walked towards the door. Roxy flung it open and we walked in. The loud sound of laughter echoed through the walls.

We entered the living room. Roy and Nathan where laughing their asses of on the couch and jenn was pacing around the room with her index finger on her chin and Damon watching her.

She abruptly stopped once Roxy made our presence by chucking a pillow at Roy's head.

Roy wore a funny scowl while Nathan has the most contagious smile on his face. Our eyes lock and I let out a full blown laugh.

He has hazel eyes.
I can't help but smile again.

I need to stop. I mean he's just a boy. Nothing more.. nothing more.

I rolled my eyes at my self and took a seat on the other couch. Jenn took a seat next to me and Damon followed. She shot me a slightly irritated look. "You told me 20 minutes."

"20 ish." I smiled sheepishly.
"Your an hour late." Jenn deadpanned
"Roxy's fault." I accused and pointed a finger at my bestfriend who was now raiding the fridge.
She poked her head out "What did I do now?"

Jenn playfully rolled her eyes and leaned in to Damon's chest who was looking at her like she's the world.

I want it
And just like that Nathan flew back in my thoughts.

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