01 : bye bye doc

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Fuck school

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Fuck school.
Fuck life.
But most importantly,
Fuck me.

"Miss McQueen, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!" The hysteric woman yelled.

"No Jolanda you weren't fascinating enough for me to spend my oh, so precious attention on."

"headmaster's office? For what? To deliver a pizza? I believe that I'm going to need a tiny bit more context than that. Damm now I want pi-."
"Stil haven't heard a reason, Jolanda. You've been an English teacher for more than 16 years and you still fail to explain the context of a simple sentence to one of your studen-"
"Jeez Jolanda I was going to, no need to use such distasteful kind of words." I dramatically say, standing up and grabbing my bag while twirling my pen in between my fingers. "Fucker" I mumble loud enough for whole the class including her to hear.

As I walked away I could hear my friends burst out laughing. And to be fair, I only was staring out of the window. She could've asked me anything and I would have know the answer, I was stil paying attention... sorta. I'm lying.

And on with the journey to my favourite headmaster. Harvey Chipper.

I walked the familiar route towards the office.
Left. Right. another right.

The walls I was met with were as always, cladded with expensive blue wallpaper and gold framed paintings. Blue and gold is the Winsburg institute -where there's oceans of knowledge- signature colour.

A left next to the spiral stairs, two rights.
And here we are, docter bibber's office.

I took some strides towards the door and flung it open. Nothing had changed since last Tuesday. Big wooden chair, large sofa, grand chandelier, the unlit fireplace and the signature grumpy man behind the desk.

"Ah Docter Bibber, long time no see!"
"Miss McQueen, I told you to stop calling me that. The proper way to address me is, Mr Chipper" The headmaster spoke while adjusting his glasses to reread his news article, not even bothering looking up.

"But well, what was it now? Broadcasting gangnamstyle on the main board? Scaring off and innocent student? Maybe teacher? No I've got it! You've stolen the janitors cookie stash and ate it in front of his face! Poor Jeff."

"I've already done all of the above. Today was nothing extraordinary, I just ticked off the ticking time bom." I stated

"You've annoyed Miss Stuarts."
"I've annoyed Miss Stuarts."

"You know she is one of our least preforming teachers here at Winsburg, but that doesn't give you the right to argue with her Stel."

"Doc, she began yelling at me for looking out of a window! I don't see how that's fair especially since nobody was paying attention and she always picks me out of the whole class!"

"Yes, Stel I know but she is stil your teacher, you should pay attention."
"Not when I know more about the subject than she does. Most of her class she doesn't even know what she is talking about. Even Nate corrected her, doc. Even. NATE."

He let out a chuckle,"Nate, Nate Gordon? Really?... Tell me is he stil going out with the redhead?"

I immediately grabbed the chair that was standing in front of me, against the desk of my headmaster. Pure terror crossing my mind. "Oh god no Doc! They weren't even together! What a horrendous experience that would've been for her! The poor girl is a friend of mine."

He gave me a grin. " Well got any new updates?" He asked cheerful, putting the paper down. Doc likes the gossip.

I lightly chuckled at the man and started talking. "Well remember Cheryl Greens and Dan Coope-"

A phone rang, interrupting Doc's and mine tea session.

He gave me an apologetic look before he answered. The call lasted less than a minute and I could see the cheerful aura of the man dial down drastically. He himself didn't speak a word. It was a weird face that the cheerful man's smile could falter within seconds.

The only thing he said was, "she's here."
With that he handed me the phone.

"Estella." The person on the other line spoke firmly. I recognised the voice immediately.
What does the bitch want now?
"Father. To what do I owe the displeasure of you calling? Shouldn't you be off with my sister?"
"Don't be like that dear, anyway how's your day been?" I let out a harsh scoff.
"Just get to the point"
"What?! I can't call my daughter and ask how her schoolday's going?"
"No, Why.Are.You.Calling?" I'm a bitch, I know but I'm fine with it.

A pause, that's what I heard. A bad sign, whatever he's going to say, it's something that in one way or another is going to effecting me negatively.

"I'm enrolling you out of Winsburg, we are moving to New York."

He hung up.
He fucking hung up.
The son of a bitch hung up.

This motherfucker.
Always the fucking same.
I fucking hate him.
Favoring her at my expenses.
A shit excuse for a father.

Mad? No fuming.
Not fucking again.
Without a doubt this was her idea and if it is than there's not even the slightest thing that could change my father's mind.

Called it.
I let out a humourless chuckle.
I looked up to Doc, he refused to meet my gaze.

I let out another chuckle, they always got to mess everything up. They always do. They only care about their other fucking annoying little nuisance, If she wants something my father obeys like a little fucking dog and does what my, I'm glad to say adoptive sister wants.

Oh and my "mother", almost the exact same. I'm happy that I can say almost, yes she always gives Noelle what she wants but there are times that she puts my father and sister in place. Really, extremely, rare times.

I can still keep contact with my friends
I can tell- wait. This sounds fucking absurd!
I don't have to comply, I'm going to be more of a problem child than I already am. I am going to make it hell. Im going to-
Doc, cleared his throat, my stare was now fixed on the back of his neck since he was facing the other way.

He cleared his throat again,
"You know, my younger brother Julian, he also owns a school and is headmaster in crawington, a small town in New York. Maybe you could enrol there next. Crawford prep academy: the elite road walker. It's a good school and I think you'd like it and-," I got up from my chair and grabbed the 50 year old man's shoulders and turned him around, I could see a tear slipping from his eye and a sad smile plastered along his face. I gave the man a hug.

"It's okay Doc, shit happens ." I heard him choke out a sob mixed with a laugh.


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