07 : starshopping

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Snake gets scared by snake

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Snake gets scared by snake. What a pity.

Aunt vi just handed me another scone and asked about my life before I was kidnapped back by the heinous persons I legally have to call family.

I told her a bit about my friends and my perfect behaviour.

"-and then he told Sab and the twins that that their parents will hear about this. He sounded like that Harry Potter character!"
My aunt let out a laugh.

I let out a grin and took a bite out of my chocolate cake.
"Also my headmaster-."
"The docter bibber guy?" Me aunt asked interested ,taking a bite out of her food.

"Yeah, he told me that his brother owns a school here and I should atend there next." I said while putting my fork in the cake again.

"Hey! I want want that!" Noëlles wihning began again while looking at my cake.

"Oh really, and what is it called?" aunty asked ignoring Noëlle.

"The elite road walker." I ate another bite.
She paused for a second before composing herself.

"Ah Crwaford prep. I've heard quite al lot about that school, even invested a quite generous amount might I add. The most famous, smartest and wealthiest go there. "

"Well than its the best place for her to be, do you like it?" Eddie spoke, suprising me.

"it sounds fine and doc wanted me to go there but I haven't see-"

"So it's settled than. I knew I made the right choice to enroll you there."

"You already erolled me? But you told me that I would get to choose where I went." I let out a humourless laugh. ofcourse he would do this. I dont care, its just school. just a school.

"YOU already enrolled her!!?? And you didnt even tell her?? Im sure shes going to do fine shes a brilliant girl but you just can't." my aunts anger just faded in dissapointmend.

She paused again for a second before turning to me, "Stel come with me." She got up.

I took my last bite and bid my farewells to the people still seated.
"bye roomies." I followed her.

we walked into one of the many art decorated halls in this home. This one I called the river hall since well there's one in every painting.

After minutes of silently looking at the art she spoke up. "Do you want to go there? If you don't want to I ca-.

"Aunty, I know." I interrupted her.
"What do you mea-".
"I know why you invested in that school."

I looked her dead in the eye as she stopped dead in her stracks.

She turned to me and put her hands in mine and held them tightly while looking at me.

I expected a hartwarming speech, a heart to heart, an explanation maybe? But not this. As I looked at her she had fucking collapsed into the floor, letting out contained sobbs.

I looked down at her and she was already staring at me. Eyes glinstering from the tears. I crouched down next to her and let out a genuine smile. The worried look from her face changed to the most genuine smile I've seen from today.

The day ended and I had already gone home.
I was standing on the balcony, replaying the whole day.
I've moved, I've raced against random people, I've reconnected with my aunt and I've seen Noëlle get scared shitless.

Damm I've been productive.
Oh and motherfucking school starts in 2 days.
Fuck I still have to get my uniform.
Mall day tomorrow than.

I lit my second cigarette and started inhaling.
There was still soft music playing from my laptop that was open on my bed.
Lil peep - starshopping

The music is the only thing keeping the peace while I'm failing to pieces.

I was looking at the sky. The smoke that was coming out of my mouth making it even more staggering. I than found it. Arend Altair,

Look at the sky tonight.

His second name is Altair.
All of the stars have a reason.
He doesn't.

A reason to shine-
Altair is the brighest star in the northern constellation Aquila and the 12th brightest star in the sky.
- A reason like mine and I'm failing to pieces,
How do I know that?

I stared right at the star, like I was awaiting it to answer me. It didn't so I did.
Kai Altair van Woodsen, the only reason.

Look at the sky tonight all of the stars have a reason.

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