09 : golden

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What the actual fuck is wrong with the morning? Can't it just be long or something?Fuck I need sleep

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What the actual fuck is wrong with the morning? Can't it just be long or something?
Fuck I need sleep.

I groaned as I shut that screeching bitching up by slamming my fist on it.
06:00, it read.
Clocks can go fuck themselves.

Its my first day of school on the elite road walker. I have to get up early and move my stuff to the dorm there. It's good that I didn't unpack most of my things yet. I just zipped open my suitcases when I wanted clothes. Only essentials are unpacked.

After 5 minutes of contemplating life I got up.

I took a shower, morning routine and makeup.

I put on my uniform which consisted of,
a short black and dark blue checkered skirt that I got fitted and shortened. Of course.
A button up blouse and a blazer with the schools logo on it that I both got tailored.
Black pantyhose and black Prada Mary Janes.

It looked a lot like my old uniform except the blue is a bit darker. Another major difference is that I don't have to wear a tie, since the Elite Road Walker thinks ties are 'to masculine'.

I personally couldn't give a flying fuck.
I now have one piece of clothing less to frantically search each morning.

I sat in front of my vanity and started checking my bags and suitcases making sure that I've got everything. Chargers. I always forget my chargers.

I put them in my hand bag while getting my pack out of it. I put the pack on my vanity and put on a song on my phone: snap out of it, arctic monkeys

I grabbed the pack and got up from my chair.

I take the last coke from my mini fridge and open it on my way to the balcony. It was only 07:14 after all, I still had a half an hour before my driver got here to help me with my stuff.
I have to be at school at 8.

It is quite windy. I felt the breeze ruffle trough my hair, like a light caress. The curtains next to the balcony doors much like my hair are moving and being blown in different directions.

I lighted my cigarette and took a hale while closing my eyes. Letting the restless wind settle in my features. Relaxing.

2 cigs later my driver texted me. He was here.
I walked downstairs to say goodbye to my loving household.

They all look dead.
Noëlle was eating her breakfast rather cheerful tho.

"Mauritz is here to bring me to school." I spoke, are they even going to fucking look up? Im wasting my energy.

A second later Noëlle spoke up,"look mom, dad, at what I just bought!" Both of them stopped with whatever they where doing and rushed over to her sides.

I rolled my eyes. Boarding school seems like a lot of fun now.

I walked out without saying anything and got into the black limo while a couple guys put my stuff in the trunk.

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