15. Movie Night

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Their next game is a bit chilly so I get all kitted out. I'm wearing Gavi's jersey, of course, and a Barcelona scarf.

I'm sitting next to Mikky in the stands, but I'm not really apart of her conversation. That is until I hear Lara's voice.

"Adri!" she exclaims. "You're here!" Climbing down the steps towards us, she gives me a hug when she reaches our row. She leans over me to give Mikky a hug before sitting down in the seat beside me. "How are you?"

"I'm good," I tell her. "How are you?"

"I'm well," she responds. "Excited for the match. We're totally going to win."

I smile. "I hope so."

"Me too. The boys are always in a better mood when they do." She turns away from me to look at the field. I notice my brother's number on the back of her jersey. The boys. I knew she was with Pedri, but I didn't know she was that close to all of them.

I decide to push the comment away. I can be friends with her with no ulterior motive. "They are. It's always more fun to be around them after a win."

She looks back at me, a twinkle in her eye. "Most of the time, but not always. They can be fun when they're mad too." She winks at me.

I avert my eyes as I start to blush. I know what she's insinuating.

"Don't tell me you and Gavi haven't had post-loss sex yet."

I shrug. "They haven't lost since we've gotten together." And we haven't had real sex yet, but that is not her business.

"That's probably a good thing," she comments, "but if they ever do, you know what to do. It makes them feel better anyway." She smiles softly before switching her gaze back onto the field.

I don't reply, knowing she's talking about my brother, and not wanting any more information. I look back to the field, searching for Gavi.

He's not too far from their bench, juggling the ball. As if he senses me looking, he glances up, meets my eyes, and smiles. I smile back, of course, mouthing a good luck. His smile grows in acknowledgement. That reminds me.

I turn to Lara. "Do you remember how we were talking about doing that movie night?" She nods. "I know it's last minute, but are you free tonight? We could order some pizza and start after the match."

"The team doesn't have any plans?" she asks me. I can tell she left her schedule open incase she was invited to any afterparties.

I shake my head. "They decided they've been partying too much lately because of all their wins."

"Then yeah, I'm free," she says with a smile. "Mik, can you come?" she asks Mikky.

"Probably," she replies, "I'll have to check with Frenkie when the match is over."

"Sounds good," I tell her.

"Oh right," Lara says, a waver in her confidence. I notice her hands come together in her lap. "Does Pedri know about the plan? Because he may not want to come. He may not want me to come over to his house." 

"He doesn't know," I tell her, "but it doesn't matter. I'm inviting you to our house, and he can deal with it." I know Pedri better then anyone, and I know he'll be furious at first when I tell him I invited her. He'll tell me to cancel, then threaten to hide up in his room. He'll follow through at first, until he remembers he's left her alone with Gavi and I, and then he'll come downstairs and put his arm around her and start to enjoy himself. At the end of the night he might invite her to stay over, and although he'll give me a little glare while he says goodnight, he'll have enjoyed himself. And maybe thank me a little. Maybe.

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