14. Batter

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When I wake up the next morning I'm delighted to roll into Gavi. I peek through my sleepy eyes to see him laying on his stomach, back bare and arms around the pillow his head is on.

I swoon a little. I don't know if it's that I just woke up or that his biceps look so big, but I close my eyes and open them again to make sure this isn't a dream. 

I lift my hand to his back and rub them up and won gently. 

Eventually his eyes flutter open and find mine. 

"Good morning mi amor," he says, his voice groggy as he lays his head back down on the pillow. With his eyes closed again he asks, "How did you sleep?"

"Good," I tell him. "I was tired."

"I bet," is all he says.

I sit up on the edge of my bed. "I'm going to check and see if Pedri's up."

"Good idea."

I get up, throw on one of Gavi's hoodies, and slowly twist the handle of my bedroom door. I open it as quietly as possible, sliding through the small crack before closing it once again. You can see the foot of my bed from the doorway so I don't want Pedri to walk by and see Gavi in my bed, even if closing the door is more suspicious.

I glance down the hallway and Pedri's bedroom door is open; he's definitely awake. I'm careful of my footing as I creep down the stairs. At the bottom I peek into the living room: empty. I go around the corner, trying to act casual this time. The kitchen is also empty. 

I go over to the front window and move the blind aside to see the driveway. Pedri's car is missing. My body relaxes. 

Unafraid of being caught, I head into the kitchen. On the island there's a note. It's from Pedri, saying he'll be gone all day since it's their day off. It says he'll be back after supper since he has a dinner date.

I set the note back down on the counter and head back upstairs to give Gavi the news.

When I walk into my room, shutting the door behind me again, Gavi's sitting on the edge of my bed in only his boxers.

I walk halfway into the room. "Pedri left a note, he'll be gone until after supper."

Gavi looks up at me. "Where is he?"

I go over to my dresser. "Said he has a dinner date, that's all." I glance over at him, noting how he hasn't stood up yet.

Gavi makes a noise of acknowledgement then I here a creek of the bed. He bends down beside me, picking up his pants. "You'd think we had sex," he murmurs, "our clothes are everywhere."

I don't respond, pretending to keep searching for something in my dresser, as he collects the rest of his clothes.

"Do you want eggs for breakfast?" Gavi asks me when he's dressed.

I turn around to face him, wearing nothing but his hoodie and some very short shorts. "Yes please."

"I'll meet you down there," he says as he leaves my room.

I continue to look for something to wear but end up deciding I'll stay in what I'm wearing for now. I head downstairs to the smell of eggs.

"Here you go." He slides a plate of scrambled eggs across the counter to me as I sit down.

"That was fast," I comment, picking up the fork he gave me.

"That's usually not a compliment." His eyes sparkle.

Mine roll. 

When he plates his own eggs he joins me sitting down.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask him before taking a bite. He cooks them just right.

Somewhere in the Haze - Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now