Eternal Happiness

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" You what ? Why ? What about Gun ?", Rain said as the duo sat at a coffee shop.

Sky had left the hotel in the morning after having breakfast with Pai.

They both didn't talk anything about last night , just casual conversations which was appreciated by Sky.

Pai was concerned when Sky said he had to visit somewhere cause Pai wanted Sky to rest but he didn't push his boy and let him go.

"I am so confused , what should I do ? Will my parents agree to this like your parents?", Sky asked Rain who had already set up a meeting between Pai and his parents.

"Your parents ? Hell no. But I guess you can try ", Rain said.

"Thank you for the encouragement ", Sky said sarcastically.

"Welcome ", Rain said with no shame.

"Be serious here please !", Sky said to try to get a solution from Rain.

"See we need to be more worried about Chimi here. You can save your lover cause clearly Chimi is instigating everything , convince him to destroy the left over drug", Rain said.

"I already dealt with that actually. The drug was being kept in a chamber where it was being reproduced. I secretly took some blood from Pai as well to make sure he isn't consuming them. Ore would confirm that later. As for the drug chamber ,it wont exist after today. According to what I found out , only two products of the drug would be shipped today. I talked to Gun , they wouldn't be able to survive as well. That only leaves the drug that Chimi might have. You were the one that has to deal with her ",  Sky said.

"You are pretty quick ", Rain comments.

"Obviously , we are dealing with drugs here , we need to be quick ", Sky said.


"I am surprised that you wanted to have a one on one meeting with me ", Payu said as he sat in the private chat room of Relevance.

"Are you not pleased to see us ?", Mr. Quinn questioned.

"That's not what I mean. The veto power of Relevance wanting to meet me. Nothing could be better ", Payu said as he offered them a drink.

"We actually have a personal matter to discuss with you ", Mrs. Quinn said.

"What would that be ?", Payu asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"We are Rain's parents ", Mrs. Quinn said making Payu choke on his drink. He got himself together as he looked at the couple.

"So what are your intentions with my son ", Mr. Quinn said.

"Sir , I love Rain dearly. I want to spend my whole life with him. I cannot imagine being without him. Since the day I saw him I had been pursuing him , please give us your blessing", Payu said in one breath.

There was dead silence for a few seconds before the couple broke down laughing. Payu was very confused.

"Sorry , we really wanted to give a strict look to you but it's so hard when you are being so genuine. Seems like you really love our son", Mrs. Quinn said.

"Yes, Ma'am ", Payu said.

"Well, we can say this much Rain loves you quite a lot. We have never told Rain no for anything and we don't intend to question him when it comes to love. Just know this much , if you hurt our child in any way , we will make sure you would never see the light of day again ", Mr. Quinn said as Payu gulped.

"Yes sir , thank you so much ", Payu said.

"Of course , it's good to have someone like you  in our family. Let's have a family dinner tonight. Bring Rain with you , we can discuss your future as well", Mrs. Quinn said.

Payu smiled as well. He gets out of the private hall while gasping for air as he felt his heart beat out of his body.

"Are you alright sir ?", Jack asked.

"Alright , I feel like I will die , oh my gosh I am so happy ", Payu said.

"You seem so happy did something good happen ?", Jack asked.

"It turned out the guy I am dating , Rain is the son of Mr and Mrs. Quinn. They just gave me their blessing to be with Rain forever. I am so happy ", Payu said as he hugged Jack.

Jack's face dropped. He felt jealously consume him as he looked at Payu.

If you weren't there he would have chosen me, but if he wasn't there I would have never seen you so happy. Jack thought as he saw Payu smiling ear to ear.

"I am happy for you sir , I hope you both always stay together. I hope nothing breaks you guys apart ", Jack says genuinely as his heart breaks inside.
He excuses himself for the bathroom where he breaks down crying.

"I wish you eternal happiness Rain , whether it's with me or the boss", Jack cries to himself as he wipes off his tears and hides his feelings.


" The shipment would be done by today ", Pai says as he keeps the file in front of Chimi.

"Nice , when is the next shipment ", Chimi questioned.

She scrolled through the file but stops when she gets no repssosme from Pai. Confused about the silence Chimi looks up at the awfully quiet CEO.

"Prapai , when is the next shipment ?", Chimi asked.

Pai gets up from his seat and looks out the window before saying ,

"There would be no more shipments. I will stop after this one. I have done enough Chimi. "

"Ahh why are you acting like that damn bitch !", Chimi yelled.

"Her name is Mina and actually I regret it deeply right now. She was correct to want to betray you. I don't know what loyalty struck me that I helped you get rid of her", Pai said.

Chimi looked at Pai in disbelief. She hated when things didn't go the way she wanted.

"Don't you care about your family anymore ? Do you want them to suffer because of you ? I thought that keeping them with me after that bitch went to jail would keep you in shape but I guess not ", Chimi said.

"Chimi, be honest, why are you doing this ? Why sell this to people , what's your motive here ?", Pai asked.

"Prapai , you should understand , the difficulties of life. The downships of being poor. We were nobodies until we got money on our hands. I just want all those that let money get to their heads to know that they don't deserve life. That damn idol used to steal from the poor , she didn't pay her employees well, treated everyone like trash. We need to clean the earth from people like them ", Chimi said.

"Chimi, i understand your sentiment but this isn't the way. You can't threaten me ", Pai said as Chimi's eyes widened.

"Oh so you already know . How did you find out ? Who told you ? Do I have a spy among myself !", Chimin screamed.

"What are you talking about ?", Pai said confused.

"What else dumbass , the fact that your family accidentally consumed Corel and died , you already know they are dead that's why you arent scared ", Chimi yelled as Pai stood their frozen.

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