Once and for all

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"Ok that's basically a date. I have to accept it Sky , you are so drop dead gorgeous even villains become heroes and want to take you out", Gun said.

"Well whatever the case , as long as I can be close to him and find out about the drugs then it is worth it ", Sky said.

"About the drugs , there has been another case ", Gun said.

"Another ? I didn't hear about it on the news", Sky said.

"The police covered it up. The victim was a violinist who was going to play for the national assembly. They saw small traces of the drug in her house but somehow every officer on the case died. Investigating further they found out her whole room was covered with the drug. They had to take down the whole house after that", Gun said.

"I got the drug sample , you can get it checked as well ", Gun said.

"I also have to match traces of the drug with the sand art in Infinity. Let's hope this works out", Sky said.

"Well, for now go home and rest ", Gun said as he pulled over at Sky's house.

Sky smiled and got off. As he got off another car came from the back and stopped in front of the house. His step mother came out from there.

Wasn't she on vacation. Sky thought. She stepped out as she saw Sky and then Gun who was still sitting in the car.

"Guess you heard that I wouldn't be here , no wonder you were so quick to come home", the lady said.

Sky tried to go back but the lady held his hand.

"Thank you for dropping Sky here, I'll take it from here", The lady said as she shuts the car door and practically drags Sky inside the house.

Gun stays but goes when the guard tells him to move. Meanwhile as they get inside the house , the lady leaves Sky's hand and drags him from his hair making him yelp in pain. She throws him on the ground and looks at him with utter anger.

"You leave and come as you wish , do you think everything goes on according to your will? What do you think of yourself , you are no better than the dirt under my shoe. You should learn to stay there as well ", The lady said.

Sky got up on anger.

"I am not your servant , everyone that obeys you here is only cause dad pays them. He doesn't pay me to listen to you , though no price in this world could make me willing to listen to you. I have my own mind , my own mother , my own heart and my own will. You are nothing to me ", Sky yells.

The lady slaps him.

"You should really learn what fear means. But it's fine, as your mother I'll teach you. Once and for all ", the lady says.

She starts slapping and beating Sky which Sky revolts to. The guards try to make him stay but he keeps struggling.

Annoyed the lady picks up the vase on the table and smashes it on Sky's head. Sky finally stops squirming.

"You should have stopped when I was talking nicely ", The lady said as Sky looks at her in utter pain.

A maid suddenly runs in.

"Miss , the boss is going to come ", The maid says.

The guards were going to take Sky to the basement but the lady stops them.

"The chairman might go there , take him somewhere else ", The lady says.

The chairman arrives to see a whole mess. His new wife crying while the maids were cleaning up the floor with the vase in pieces. There was some blood on the floor and the lady was holding onto her hand which had a slight cut.

"What happened here ?", the chairman asked.

"Sky went crazy , he came home started yelling at me , then he attacked me with the vase and ran out. I don't know what went wrong , I am so scared right now ", the lady fake cried to her husband.

The man was extremely angry. He yells at his men to get Sky immediately while the wife tries to be the victim by telling him to let Sky be.

"You can't come in here !", the guard yelled as Gun entered the house.

"Where is Sky ?", Gun says immediately.

He didn't have a good feeling at all about the lady , making him turn his car and come back to see if Sky was alright.

"What are you doing ? Are you a friend of Sky ? Are you aware of his impulsive behaviour nowadays , look at what he did to his mother ", the father yells trying to get answers about Sky's attitude.

"Sky did that ? I don't believe it. He would never hit anyone like that , he was fine when I left him, she must have done something to him ", Gun said.

"Don't point fingers at my wife ", the man said.

"I am only supporting my friend , i dropped him off here , he must be somewhere in the house ", Gun said as he started to search around.

"What is wrong with you !", the man yelled but his wife stopped him.

"Let him be , young kids don't understand if you speak to them ", The wife said.

Gun looked around hopelessly , he searched every room. Unable to find Sky. That's when he saw the secret door. He opened it and went down to the basement.

So this is what you have to go through. Gun thought as he opens the basement , but it was empty.

"This is my private place , now get out! Don't you see how much my wife is bleeding because of that boy", the man yelled.

Gun scoffed as he got up. The whole floor was covered in blood and the wife wasn't bleeding too much.

"Her blood has already cloted , I really hoped you would have read at least this much biology to know that there is no way she had shed that much blood", Gun said.

The man was going to raise his hand but stopped.

"Get lost ", the man said.

Gun had no choice but to walk out. As he was walking with the whole family behind him he saw this small trace of blood. He looks around and there it was , a small warehouse.

"What ? Keep walking !", The lady said.

Gun turned to her and then sprinted towards the warehouse.

"Stop him !", the lady yelled but Gun was quick on his feet.
He broke down the door with his speed and there he was.

Lying on the cold floor was Sky , holding the back of his head which was still bleeding.

With teary eyes , Sky looks at Gun. He drags himself to Gun and hugs him while bursting into tears. Gun gets a hold of Sky , tightly , not wanting to let go.

"I guess I'm caught, now I don't need to hide again ", Sky said as he weeped in Gun's arms.

"What is this !", the man yelled as Gun picked up Sky who had lost his consciousness.

"I think you have a lot to discuss with your wife , till then , I'll take Sky to the hospital. Please visit him once you have dealt with her", Gun said as he rushes Sky to his car and drives off.

"How long have you been doing that to my son ", the man says in dark tone.

"I'm sorry , chairman ", the lady said with her head low.

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