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"Sky ?", Prapai said with interest as he looked at the picture presented by his man.

"You sure it is him ?", Prapai asked.

"Yes , sir , when I reached there , he seemed to be arguing with Mr. Payu on something. This is the video ", The man said as he handed the video to Pai.

Pai played it.

"You know how he is , careless and naive. What will you do if something happens ? Will you be responsible for it ?", Payu said.

"Can't you just put in some trust for god sake. We are 18 not 8 , taking care of ourselves isn't a mystery", Sky said.

"How are you so blind to this situation ? ", Payu said.

"This is why I don't like you , you act like only what you say is right. No one has a brain except you ", Sky said.

"Seems intense good we can use this well", Pai said.

"Not just that sir , but there is more to it. It seems that Mr. Payu isn't dating Sky but is still trying to woe him", the man said as he forward the video to that part.

"You are so difficult , I don't even know why am I standing here talking to you ", Payu said.

"Then leave, we are not dating or anything for you to have to stay here", Sky said.

"I know , but you have my phone and I need to know what happened ", Payu said.

"No way , even better ", Pai said while watching the duo intently.

"I even have the cherry on top sir ", the man said.

Prapai looked up with interest.
The man took out a file and handed it to Prapai. Prapai opened it. It had all the information regarding Sky.

"This year , they are gonna have internships. Sky has put up our company as his top choice ", The man said.

"Well , then he better be a good worker ", Pai said as he glanced at Sky's photo again.


It was late at night as the door slowly opened. Rain entered in tip toes to make sure he made no noise. He shuts the door and the light's turn on and there he was. Payu sitting on the sofa , legs crossed and anger visible on his face.

"Had fun ", Payu said sarcastically.

"P'Payu ", Rain said with guilt.

"I am very curious you know , what possessed you to do what you did today ?", Payu asked with a staright face.

"I just wanted to go out and have fun with my friends. Don't worry , I didn't drink. We just danced and had a good time ", Rain said.

Payu got up and walked to Rain. He leaned in close to make sure Rain was telling the truth.

"You reek of those guys you danced with. Did they touch you", Payu said as he put his arms around Rain.

Rain frees himself from Payu and says,

"P'Payu please don't act like this. I know I should have told you but you always get so angry and say no to everything I want to do. I didnt do anything wrong there."

"If you didn't do anything wrong , then let me embrace you , is there a problem in that", Payu said.

"It's not what you are doing , it's why you are doing it , that's the problem ", Rain said.

"I am not the one that started this Rain ", Payu said.

"Is it that bad , to want to do what I want for once. I listen to everything you say, I just wanted to do something else today. Is that so bad ?", Rain said.

"And what would you have done if something happened? What if someone approached you with the wrong intentions. Got you drunk somehow , ra-", Payu couldn't finish his words.

"Do you think I am that weak or dumb that I can't figure out that someone is out to rape me ? I can fight back , my friends were there, they would have helped me ", Rain said.

"You aren't getting my point here Rain", Payu said.

"I am , you are worried , I get it. But you have to trust me more. It won't work out that way", Rain said.

"What do you mean by work out. Hadn't it been working out all this time. Why are you suddenly being like this ?", Payu asked.

"P'Payu , are you facing too much stress at work. Is there some other reason that this is pissing you off or is all your anger really targeted at this incident ", Rain asked.

"I don't mix work and you , you know that well", Payu said.

"Then , you shouldn't act like this ", Rain said.

"Rain , can you stop acting like a child and just fucking listen to me !", Payu yelled.

"No , I won't listen anymore. I want to listen to myself for once. Deal with it", Rain said as he barged out the house.

Payu was too mad so he stayed put expecting Rain to come back , but he got worried when Rain didnt come for 30 mins. He goes out to search for Rain.


"It's cold ", Sky said as he takes off his jacket and gives it to Rain who was sitting by the playground after calling Sky to help him.

"Are you okay ?", Rain says as he sees Sky.

"I should ask you that ", Sky says.

"Idk why , I felt , you wanted to hear it more", Rain said.

"I am okay ", Sky said.

"What should I do Sky ? P'Payu has become so strict , I think it's his work but he won't admit it ", Rain said.

"Do you want to find out ?", Sky asked.

"Kinda ", Rain said.

"Then give me your phone ", Sky said.

Rain reached his pocket and gave him the cell phone. Sky switches it off and throws it in the dustbin.

"What are you doing ?", Rain asked.

"Giving you a new life ", Sky said as he got Rain in his car.

"Where are we going ? ", Rain asked.

"My mom's place ", Sky said.

"Your mom's place , are you allowed to do that ? I thought your father forbid you from it ", Rain said.

"I'll do what I want ", Sky said as he drove to his mom's place. They parked their car outside.

"Master Sky , it's been a while ", the guard said.

"It has, hasn't it", Sky said as he and Rain went inside.

Sky got in and went up staright away.

"Please don't tell mom I am here ", Sky said as the maids nodded.

Sky and Rain went to a room which was designated for Sky.

When his parents got divorced , his mother was highly confident that she could win the custody over Sky. That's why she had already prepared a room for him but she failed to do so , but she still kept the room incase Sky ever comes by.

"Wow , this is even better than your room at your father's place ", Rain said as he saw the gaming PC in the room.

"Have you submitted your form for internships ?", Sky asked.

"Not yet , why ?", Rain said.

"Give it to me , trust me on this. Let me fill it for you ", Sky said.

Rain took out the form from his bag and gave it to Sky. Sky quickly filled it out.

"I'll submit it tomorrow. If all goes according to plan then we will have an interesting case ", Sky said.

"Whatever you say ", Rain said.

" Let's get you a new phone tomorrow. I texted your parents that you are with me and that you will get a new phone tomorrow cause you broke your old one. I even texted Payu telling him you are alright but won't talk to him ", Sky said.

"Sky , thank you so much ", Rain said as Sky smiled.

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