heart breaking part 1

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Lana was driving her car when she got a call from her oldest son seth as she answered "hey everything okay"she asked her older son as she continues to drive.

"Not really mom Judy and her son were killed"he says as she was flooded with shock since she saw wes at the meeting a few hours ago"what"she says in shock.

"Judy was found stabbed to death out of her home and wes against the front door inside the house with a stab wound from his neck but mom almost ever officer's here uncle Jace is at the hospital with faith and Tara but nobody is there to protect them I just picked up Bethany and Liam we are heading to the hospital"seth explained as Lana grips her steering wheel before stepping on the gas and makes a u turn to the hospital as she speeds down the road.

Faith and Tara were in there private hospital room as Jace sits next to faith before a grunt and thud was heard in the distance "did y'all here that"faith asked them turning off the tv as they turn to the open door were the sound came from.

"Hello"Tara then calls out but it was nothing but silence. Jace gets up from his chair something wasn't right he walks over to Tara"faith unhook all the cables from you"he tells his neice before he does the same for Tara"alright this is gonna hurt I need you to trust me"he says before picking her up as gentle as he could as Tara groans in pain before sitting her down in a wheel chair as faith limps over holding her side.

Jace then wheels Tara out the room as he looks left and right there was not a person in sight this was not good at all just as the power completely goes out"uncle Jace"faith says worried.

"Alright we are getting out of here"he tells the two girls before the three jump as Tara's phone goes off it was Sam calling it was on the other side of the room "we don't have time come on"Jace says as he wheels Tara out the room as faith limps next to him.

Sam was shown behind the wheel of her car driving as fast as she can"damnit!"she says when it goes to voicemail as Dewey holds on in the passenger seat.

"Should you be really making a call right now"he says as she speeds through traffic as she calls her sisters phone again.

Jace continues to wheel Tara down the dark hallway as faith looks around she was not having a good feeling about this before freezing "uncle Jace"she says as he and Tara look down as a cop with his throat slit and multiple stab wounds lays on the floor in a puddle of blood.

"Shit"Jace says this really wasn't good as Tara sobs into her mouth. Lana speeds through traffic as many people honk at her"I'm coming I'm coming"she says as she grips her steering wheel.

Jace noticed the gun on the cop was missing as he runs a stressed hand through his hair before hearing a door open in the distance "come on we need to hide"he says before wheeling Tara into a room as faith limps before he ushers them into a corner as he crunches down after closing the door quietly as they wait and hide.

Tara sees a phone as she groans reaching it as faith grabs it for her as she hands it to Tara dails on the phone as a door opens and closes in the distance as Jace shhs the girls as Tara holds the phone up ready the sound of doors opening and closing get closer before the door opens and Tara swings as Richie falls to the ground with a yell"ow!"he says as the other three were breathing heavily.

"Who the hell are you"Jace says on guard as Richie groans holding his head "I'm Sam her older sisters boyfriend"he groans holding his head.

Tara sighs in relief "Richie"she says that it's him and not the killer before frowning "what are you doing here"she asked.

"Sam called she said that you were in trouble...did you hit me with that phone"he says just as the killer pops up.

"Look out!"the girls yell before was slashed in the arm as Jace runs and tackles the killer into the hallway "go now girls!"he yells as faith wheels Tara as fast as she can limping as Jace holds the killer back.

Jace groans holding them back until he was kicked in the stomach making him stumble as the killer then sliced his arm as he groans in pain before glaring as he grabs the killer by the arm twisting it as he throws them down the hall in the different direction "come on asshole"he says as they charge at each other as they pushed against one another with strength until the killer head buts him as Jace stumbled back hold his bleeding forheard.

The killer the slashed him across the chest deeply as he groans holding his chest as blood pulls out as the killer tilted there head before driving the knife into his gut as he screamed pushing the killer away as he falls to the floor to the floor holding he gut as blood rabidly pulls out as he turns on his stomach before trying to get up until the knife stabbed him in the back as he screamed in agony "to bad you couldn't protect you love ones Jace"the killer says as blood coated jaces teeth as tears build in his eyes.

The killer rips out the knee as blood splatter before he stabs Jace repeatedly in the back as Jace falls to the ground as one last tear falls from his eye as blood pulls around his body as the killer stand sober him before snapping his head up in the direction the girls went in.

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