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Lee Jun Ho, an international famous boxer representing korea.

Third person pov.

"Jun Ho" "JUN HO" "JUN HO" the crowd was cheering for the male but the male was dazed, could not hit properly and *HIT* on Jung ho's face making everyone gasp as he was knocked out.......

Jung ho didn't wake up for a long time and when he woke up...

"Get out of here, don't come back".........
and many more allegations were thrown onto him, making him realise his mistake....the injection he shouldn't have taken but it was too late right? everyone got to know that the famous boxer was a druggist he used drugs to win the match but due to overdose lost it.
His country for whom he  always worked hard..hates him right? the family for whom he did it, his kids will disown him right....?

With a dazed mind, bashed and humiliated by the media,Jung ho went to the top floor of the hotel he was staying... standing on the edge only one thought crossed his mind
"I'm sorry my family....felix please take care of them...I love you...Appa is sorry baby..." letting the tears fall of his face.....
And he jumped of the hotel, killing himself in another country, not letting his family have the last goodbye.
Jung ho died, but left behind a tremendous pain and horror for his family......

In korea.

"Get out of the home, this place is not for traitors like you bitch" the owner of home pushed the mother with a 2year old daughter and a 7year old son..

"Please ma'am, this is the only place we have, don't kick us out we are sorry please ma'am" mrs.lee cried holding the owner's feet begging them to not abandon her and her kids

"Leave me you bitch, your husband is a monster who swallowed the pride of our country and your son *she pulled the little boy who was holding his sister, is also a monster* you all should be killed" she slapped the boy "please don't hit my kids, please don't beat us...we are".....and the crowd mercilessly stomped their feet on the family not caring about the little girl who was crying.."please don't beat us, please leave us ... pl-ea-se let us go..."
The mother protected the son who was holding his sister in his little arms, the agitated crowd bet them with sticks, stones, feet until "lixie baby, protect your sister okay...i love you baby...Amma is sorry..."  the mother whispered kissing the son's fluffy hair.
The crowd was not satisfied until the pleads of the mother, quiet down,until the body was left unmoving....

The cruelest fact was that the entire thing was shot by media, but no one helped the family infact they were giving a live broadcast to all....

Finally after don't know how long finally the crowd left them alone and the mother's body fell on ground..
"Amma...they left..wake up please......"
"Amma ple-ase...don't go..." "Amma.."
"AMMA...." the boy's cries intensified shaking his mother, wanting her to wake up..but she didn't, the little girl was crying hardly...

Worried for his mother the little boy ran various streets asking for help "Ma'am please help my mother..." "Please..."
"My mother, something happened to her, please help her..." "Anyone please help my mother" Finally a girl came to help the boy...
"Please tell what is wrong" the boy asked with tears streaming down...the girl smiled sadly "sorry baby...but your mother is dead"  the girl called the police to take the body to incinerate it.

While they were taking the body "It is all because of your traitor father kid, the LEE JUN HO killed everyone", the policeman spoke harshly"Your father took away all the pride, our country had"
"It is all because of your father*the LEE*" the man spoke poking his forefinger to the little boy's forehead..

The men took the body leaving the kids there on the streets, the girl who was still standing there, held the boy's hand "I'm sorry baby I can't do much for you, if you travel 4km from here there is an orphanage for you all....I know they can help you" the girl smiled sadly at them, but before she left she gave some snacks and a juice bottle to the boy.
(The girl is actually a teen of 18years old).

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