Gifts are good, Unless they're bad

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Hades looked around the room when no one volunteered to read. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was invested in the books by now. Perseus wasn't like any demigod he had seen, he was different. He wanted to finish the books to understand how that demigod could become the god he was now. Not to mention, his symbol of power had been stolen and he wanted to learn who was the thief.

Not seeing anyone volunteering, he chucked the book straight at Demeter's face. The book hit the goddess' face with a 'thump.'

Persephone sighed, she couldn't understand why her husband and mother always had to antagonize each other. It was getting tiring, just as Demeter was about to retaliate back, Hestia threw both her and Hades a glare. Demeter muttered a curse under her breath and opened the chapter that was to be read, while Persephone scolded her husband, "You can't even act civil with her in front of everyone?"

Hades had no reply, so he did what he does best. Sat back and brooded.

Demeter focused on the book and read out the chapter title, I BECOME A KNOWN FUGITIVE

Everyone immediately turned their heads towards Percy, their eyes silently asking him to explain. The God looked up from where he was sitting around his children and shrugged, "Continue ahead, you'll understand."

I'd love to tell you I had some deep revelation on my way down, that I came to terms with my own mortality, laughed in the face of death, et cetera.

The truth? My only thought was: Aaaaggghhhhh!

Everyone laughed as Percy's thoughts were read out aloud, they had thought that it would be some deep revelation that was going to show them a glimpse of what made Percy different from the rest. However, he was just a kid like the others in camp.

Percy's children were certainly enjoying it more than the others, while their father was goofy and childish with them, he still had his commanding nature. Even unconsciously he radiated the warmth and leadership that inspired others, it was nice to see that he wasn't always like that.

The river raced toward me at the speed of a truck. Wind ripped the breath from my lungs. Steeples and skyscrapers and bridges tumbled in and out of my vision. And then: Flaaa-boooom!

Demeter stopped her reading to send Percy a teasing look, "Your thoughts are certainly amusing nephew." She purposefully ignored Hermes and Apollo snickering and making hand motions to imitate Percy's thoughts. Those two were utterly hopeless, that's what happens when you don't take your grains regularly.

Percy laughed, and went to reply, but Leo beat him to it. "Well, given the life of a demigod is filled with horror, death and suffering. We all have to amuse ourselves to keep going." The son of Hephaestus' words shifted the joyful mood of the room to a sombre tone. The demigods went silent, agreeing with the fire user, while the gods flinched, guilt seeping into their ichor.

Leo didn't need to look up to see that his friends were looking his way with concern. He couldn't help it, Percy's words from the last chapter had struck him deep. How many times had he felt the same? Feeling the weight of life to burden him to the point, that the fire user wished his flame would die out.

Demigods had a tough life, born with the powers of gods, yet limited by their own mortality. Having developed the instinct to hide their problems from their mortal parents, their friends, because who could understand them? Who could understand that every breathing second of their life was a struggle to control themselves so that they won't hurt those around them, or cause danger to others.

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