Facing Reality

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Sorry for being late folks, I have been going through a lot to write as often as I used to, but still I tried as much as I could. 

A very special thanks to my beta reader for being godsend as usual. cooici

And another important person that helped me a lot through writing this chapter. CelesteBlaze

https://discord.gg/vJtaaaygvq Join my discord channel. 

Artemis' eyes scanned her surrounding, to see that nearly everyone was waiting for the spar Perseus had just issued with the son of Zeus. She couldn't lie to herself, her excitement was over the top at someone showing Heracles his place. That filth, who was technically her half-brother needed to be taken down his high horse.

After what he did to Zoe, she should've just smote him out of existence, but his destiny wasn't hers to alter.

Artemis knew that Heracles did what he did because he had no other choice, and needed to get past Ladon. But, the choice to trick Zoe and betray her at the end, that was his decision and fault. What was even worse, was that he refused to acknowledge his wrong.

Children of Zeus had terrible pride, the goddess of moon knew that better than anyone. But, the mark of a true hero depends on whether they conquers over their flaws, or let their flaws control them. Heracles, had taken the easy path and paved his path with betrayals and broken promises.

He deserved to be shown the truth.

"I"ll Read next," Artemis announced shaking out of her thoughts. Stretching her hands to take the book from Aphrodite, she flipped the page and read, MY DINNER GOES UP IN SMOKE

'Burnt offerings' Artemis thought to herself chuckling internally, liking how goofy and funny these chapter names were.

A small grunt made her turn her head towards him to see that Damon had turned over in his father's grasp and was about to fall off, she was quick to use a little magic to readjust them. Percy shot her a thankful smile as he adjusted Penelope better. The sight of her future husband cradling their children while they slept, it made her smile grow wider. She had always wanted to have children of her own, and now she had them.

How often she had wondered, what it would be like to be a mother? Sure, she had her huntress, whom she cared for as her own children, yet the yearning in her heart was still the same. Now, she knew that in some millennium her wish was going to come full, she'll have to wait for it. But, for now she can spend as much time as she could with her children.

Word of the bathroom incident spread immediately. Wherever I went, campers pointed at... dropped boulders, sprayed lava, and clashed together if you didn't get to the top fast enough.

"Is that safe?" Hestia asked worried for the children. That thing with lava spraying did not sound safe at all to her.

"Don't worry Milady, that thing is really safe. Everyone loves that lava wall, specially the Satyrs and the children of Hermes," Connor said giving Hestia a warm smile. She was one of the goddess who was actually nice and kind to the demigods. He felt guilty that the goddess didn't get much recognition.

"Yeah that's because the satyrs have goat legs, and you runts have the god of speed and thieves as your father. You have advantage over the rest of us." Clarisse grunted, her pig eyes boring onto the soul of Connor. She tried to glare him to death. But, much to her dismay, everyone else started laughing at her.

"It doesn't matter if you win by a second or a mile, winning is winning." Damon commented in his sleep, against his father's chest. Bringing a wide smile to everyone's faces.

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