The Ugliest Gorgon

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A very special thanks to my beta Saans1512 for always helping me out in short notice. 

Hestia and her daughter soon returned after checking if the others needed anything. They took their places at the hearth of the throne room, looking at the eternal flames of Olympus. Both mother and daughter looked eerily similar to each other at this moment as they tended to the hearth.

Yet, Hestia could notice the similarities between herself and her daughter, she had seen that her daughter inherited her father's rage too. Unlike Hestia, her daughter didn't stay silent when she saw wrongdoings.

For peace, one must sometimes be violent too, Hestia realized with a smile.

She looked at her daughter carefully, despite being the goddess of family, the goddess of hearth had never imagined herself as a mother. Most of it was out of fear, her father's actions haunting her every day, paralyzing her with the thought of her husband turning out like Kronos. Now though, after meeting Perseus, her fears melted and she found herself the happiest she had been in a long time.

Danae watched her mother lost in her thoughts and offered a warming smile, "Mother?" Hestia blinked out of her thought and looked at her daughter to continue, "Ask whatever you want to, I know you want to."

Hestia returned her daughter's smile and voiced her question, "What is your father really like? I have seen him so far, but I don't know how he is personally."

Danae smiled and answered, "Father is kind. Humble and gentle would be the first words that would come to my mind. He cares about everything and everyone and goes out of his way to make sure that they are safe and looked after. Yet, at the same time, he could be the very essence of carnage and vengeance, when those he cares for are wronged or hurt."

"You will learn and see during these books that The Creator, Ananke, and the fates have all tested him time after time. Father doesn't talk about it, but I've heard snippets of what he went through from others. It was enough to make anyone rogue or insane. Even immortals would not be able to stay sane after the things he had done and had to endure. However, father stayed true to himself and never lost sight of himself."

"He is very loyal to his family, but not blindly. If he sees his children, his wives or his friends doing something he thinks is wrong, he will voice his opinions loudly. He loves all of my mothers with everything he has. He loves and dotes on me and my siblings more than necessary. Not that I am complaining," she finished chuckling.

Hestia smiled, even as tears spilled continuously from her eyes, a smile of contentment on her face. She leaned forward and kissed her daughter on cheek, "That's all I wanted to hear."


Athena hummed in excitement as she showed her daughter all around the city of gods, her daughter observing everything with great fascination, and telling her all the things that were different about Olympus in the future.

Sophia talked about how Annabeth had been given the task of recreating Olympus to her image in the future. How her father cared for her and her siblings, and what other inventions had the mortals done in the future. Both mother and daughter talked while walking until they reached the palace of Athena. Sophia smiled as her mother opened the doors for her and motioned for her to enter first.

Athena watched her daughter step inside her temple happily, she finally understood what Triton had told her earlier the day. That she would know a parent's love soon with Sophia, and it was true. She had never spent more than a few hours with her half-blood children before, so her motherly instincts had never truly awoken.

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