Getting a Quest

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 The bright flash of light that occurred in the middle of the throne room dimmed and revealed four people that had been summoned by the fates, at the request of their Master.

The four people looked around the throne room in awe, their chest rising up and down as they heaved large breaths, feeling the air of the upperworld hit their lungs for the first time in decades. Their eyes misty, tears falling down their faces as they saw the sight of their old friends sitting together inside the room along with the gods, staring at them with similar tears-streamed faces.

"Bianca," Nico whispered, his voice ragged, thousands of emotions strolling through his heart as he watched his sister once again. The most notable emotion pain.

He had imagined hundreds of scenarios where he would be able to see his sister again. Being a god hadn't pushed those hopes out of his mind, that one day Bianca might be in front of him again. He had imagined himself joyful and ecstatic at every single one of those dreams, but never had he felt the pain he was feeling right now.

The joy, the happiness of seeing his sister subsided by the pain he felt when he saw her. His mind reeling back and flashing to the day when he had last seen her, dressed in silver clad armor, leaving for the quest. He remembered hating her for abandoning him and joining the hunters, yet being worried about her at the same time.

Then he remembered the moment Percy had told him about his death. He flashed back to the hatred, pain, and resentment he had felt at the moment. Not just at Percy, he had resented Bianca for dying and leaving him alone.

How could a person blame someone for dying? He was disgusted at himself, but it was all he had felt at the moment. Then the weeks had passed and the guilt and pain had settled on as he came to terms with his sister's death.

Now, seeing her in front of him, all those emotions he had thought he had processed already, came back at full force.

Rising from his seat, he moved slowly, afraid of moving fast, worried that his sister would melt into shadows at any given moment. As soon as he was in front of her, he broke down; the usual passive god that showed no emotions to anyone other than his boyfriend broke down. Heart-wrenching sobs left his throat as he fell to his knees, his body glowing as he changed back to the age he had lost her.

A 10-year-old Nico stood in front of everyone as his age shimmered, his little arms wrapping around his sister's legs as he cried to his heart's content.

Bianca cried too along with her brother, pulling him up to his feet and wiping away his tears, kissing at his cheek she whispered him words of assurance, and after a while it worked. Nico transformed back to his usual 18-year-old body, and hugged his sister as tight as he could.

"Stop crying little brother," Bianca spoke next to his hear. Seeing a certain son of Apollo's worrying gaze, she smiled a little, "You still have to introduce me to my future brother-in-law."

Nico's misty eyes turned back to their usual devoid of emotions black hole, but his cheeks had turned pink instantly. Taking his sister's hand in his, he took her to where he was sitting and introduced her to a certain blonde that had his heart.

Clarisse couldn't believe that her friend was in front of her again. Her cold demeanor melting as the barrage of tears left her eyes, she stood up from her seat and ran towards the group.

As soon as she had reached the middle of the group, her arms stretched out and she welcomed Silena into them. Making the girl in front of her smile, and step forward in her embrace. The effect was immediate; both Silena and Clarisse started crying into each other's shoulder.

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