Chapter Eleven 🌹

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You will be embarrassed, Dad, if you invited many guests on the wedding." Yibo threatened his father. "You won't like the treatment I will give to your little pigeon in front of the guests." he added with a challenging gaze.

"You son of a--" Quiren was about to approach his son but Carmen grabbed her husband by the arm.

"Quiren, please," she said firmly. "Your son has agreed to marry Zhan, why don't you follow his wishes in his own marriage?" She led her husband, who was seething with anger, to the sofa.

"I have distributed some invitations to the Chao's, Carmen, and to some of my close associates," Quiren said angrily.

"That is your problem," said Yibo with a smirk. "I cannot promise pleasant behaviour during the death sentence, Dad. I cannot even pretend. And you wouldn't want that.

And don't you dare asking my sister and brothers to come home just for this wedding, damn it, but I will be married only you and Mom and Xiao Fengmian in attendance.!"

Carmen saw the clash of gazes between father and son. She was sure of a father and son's conflict later on because of Xiao Zhan. And until recently she had used everything that could be used to stop Quiren from pursuing the plan.

"You saw Fengmian, didn't you, Carmen?" Just a few more steps to the pit. He has become an alcoholic. He's your friend, isn't he? Only the Xiao siblings were with you at the ranch when you were young. Fengmian was so fond of you, if you remember what you said to me. He almost married you himself if you hadn't kept your promise to your father..."

Carmen let out a piercing sob. What his husband says is true. Fengmian went away when Linran gave birth to Haoxuan.

"He had lost his inheritance, a year ago, he lost his wife, and now he is about to lose his ranch in Colorado.

No matter how small the land is, that was his..." Quiren continued. "And can you imagine what would happen if the bank foreclosed the ranch, Carmen? He will kill himself!"

"You can help her, Quiren without marrying Yibo to Zhan.

"Do you think I didn't think of that and didn't try? Sometimes pride makes one unable to think clearly, Carmen. And Fengmian silently hated me. He thought I was the cause of Linran's death. And I fathered Haoxuan which caused him to lose half of Hacienda Xiao, and I know he resents Haoxuan even though he didn't show it openly. And Haoxuan knew that.

"And you wouldn't believe this, darling." He turned to his wife who was frowning at him. "Fengmian hated his own son just because he was born later than Haoxuan..."

"No... that's not true..." Carmen shook her head in disbelief.

Quiren took a deep breath and gave his wife a loving look. "When you first told me about the Xiao's, Carmen, I got so interested because of the way you expressed your attachment to the siblings. How they don't treat you like the others in the Hacienda despite the fact that at that time, they are the richest and can be very powerful, if Fengmian chooses to be a tyrant." Quiren took a deep breath again and lovingly gazed at his wife.

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Mrs. Wang Carmen, and I love you so much. If I am to die and live again, I'd still want no one but you," Quiren said in soft and tender voice. "Your friends have become my friends. I feel indebted to the Xiao's for whatever help they gave you before we met and even after you left this house and went home with them at the Hacienda. What happened between me and Linran was beyond my control and by now, I know you understood that because you love Haoxuan as if he were your own..."

Carmen sobbed completely. At over fifty, Wang Quiren was very much a handsome and virile man not to mention his money. Not a few women insist on getting their husband's attention. Perhaps there were little discreet flings, but to the best of her knowledge, Quiren remained faithful.

"But you cannot sacrifice your own son's life just for the sake of debt, Quiren," she continued. Wiping away her tears.

Quiren took a long time to answer. How many times he glanced at his wife and looked up at the ceiling. Then came to her and put his arm around Carmen.

"Come darling, and I'll tell you something."

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