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Daemerea sat in the carriage as they approached Highgarden. She sat with her betrothed and his son in the carriage while Ser Harris sat outside.

Daemerea nervously began to count in High Valyrian in her head. It was the only way she kept herself calm. Although she could only count to ten, it did help when she felt very nervous.

Willem looked up at the girl, grabbing her hand to serve as a comfort. Daemerea had a feeling she would be eternally grateful to Willem for his kindness.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, immediately knowing that it belonged to her betrothed.

This was not how she envisioned her betrothal going. She envisioned happiness or at least something that didn't involve marrying a man who had a son who was her age.

As the carriage neared Highgarden, Daemerea felt a strange mixture of fear and excitement start to bubble in her stomach.

Above all else, Daemerea kept her curious nature and her childlike wonder, because that was just what she was. A child.

No matter how many times her father spoke to her of duty. No matter how many times he tried to convince her that she'd become a woman grown, she was still a child.

The carriage came to a halt as the girl's new stepson got out of the carriage, helping her out in the process.

Daemerea smiled at Willem as he held the door open for her, a gesture that had been unfamiliar to her.

Once she was out of the carriage, the scent of roses enveloped her, like the flowers had been stuffed in her face.

When she looked around, however, she knew why. The entire castle was covered with them.

Daemerea stared at the castle and the gardens in awe, trying her best to seem polite and proper but her childlike nature got the better of her, and apparently Willem.

Both of them seemed to get the same idea because when Lord Tyrell finally got out of the carriage, the children were gone.

He looked at Ser Harris, who simply gave him a shrug.

It was only when he heard a laugh that he was alerted to the children's presence.

They were in a nearby flower garden, running around in the dirt. Daemerea's dress had turned a light brown colour from the mud that the two children ran in, which secretly disgusted the lord.

Daemerea was meant to be acting like a proper lady. She was a princess after all. In his eyes, the behavior was unacceptable.

It was almost as if something had told Daemerea about the disgust that the lord was feeling, because she looked up at him, immediately walking out of the garden and giving him a small bow.

"I'm sorry, my Lord." She said as he shrugged. "Willem, take the Princess to get cleaned up."

The two children walked past the lord, their shoulders sagging ever so slightly. They both entered the castle with their muddy shoes, not bothering to take them off. They were too afraid of what Lord Tyrell would say.

As the Lord watched the children walk into the castle, one of his men tapped him on the shoulder.

The man handed him two ravens, both with identical sigils on them. The only difference was the colour.

One of the seals was gold, reflecting the royal House of the Dragon. This raven was from the king.

The other raven made the man grimace slightly. This raven had the same sigil, but the seal was red. This raven was from Rhaenar Targaryen.

The man quickly grabbed the raven with the gold seal, opening it as fast as he could. He read it carefully, a smile appearing on his face.

"What is it, my Lord?" The man asked, standing patiently with the other raven in his hand.

"The King has just requested that I go to King's Landing. I am to be his new Master of Laws."

The news made the Lord extremely happy, but when the man saw the other raven, his face went back to its stoic nature.

He took the other raven from the man, opening it and examining its contents. He read it with his stoic expression, not showing any sign of a change.

You wouldn't know what he was reading just by looking at his face. The raven was from Rhaenar Targaryen, but it was signed by Prince Daemon Targaryen.

The Prince requested that he tell Daemerea of the tragic death of her mother, Elaena. The raven also told of the birth of her brother, Maegon.

The man next to Lord Tyrell frowned when he placed the raven in his hand. "My Lord?" The man asked.

The Lord gave the man a long look before taking his hand away.

"Burn it."


A/N- Why whenever I have time to write I have no ideas?? ~D

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