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Screams echoed through the halls as Elaena's children tried to keep themselves busy.

Rhaegar had started to read to his younger siblings, and Viserra simply watched the door for any signs that her mother was alright.

The room felt empty without Daemerea there. They all missed her dearly.

Elaena missed her as well, but there wasn't exactly time to think about anything other than the babe that was about to be born.

Elaena attempted to breathe, but it felt like someone had winded her. Sweat and tears poured down her face as she stood up, pushing the midwives away.

"Fuck..." She exclaimed. She wondered where Rhaenar was for a moment, but the thought left her mind as soon as it surfaced.

She'd yelled for him when Rhaegar was born, but he didn't come. She tried to yell when Viserra was born, but he also didn't bother to come.

When Daemerea was born, she'd given up. He would never come and she would have to accept that.

She'd been in labour for nearly a day by then, screaming and crying, but to no avail. The babe would not come.

She heard a faint knock on the door, alerting her to someone's presence. When she turned, she thought she had died and that it was a dream. But it wasn't.

Daemon stood at the door, his dragon rider clothes on. "Daemon?" She questioned. The midwives stared at the man as he leaned on the doorframe.

"Out," Daemon said, but the midwives did not budge.

"Out. Please." Elaena muttered, causing the midwives to nod. She let out another breath, staring at the man in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. "I flew as soon as I heard. Dragonstone is a short flight after all. And what made you think I'd miss the birth of my first son."

Elaena let out a dry chuckle before sucking in a breath.

"We don't know if it's a son yet, and unless you're gonna help, I suggest you call the midwives back." Daemon nodded as he walked to the door.

Elaena walked back to her bed, gripping the sheets as she felt another sharp pain shoot through her stomach.

The midwives rushed in, going straight to Elaena's side as Daemon attempted to leave.

"Wait!" Elaena called. "Please. Stay." Daemon nodded as he went back to leaning on the doorframe.

Elaena was glad he was there. She felt comforted by his presence. Pretty soon, the screams that echoed through the halls were replaced by the distinct cry of a babe.

Elaena sat on her bed, feeling an immense amount of joy. She'd felt this joy every time one of her children was born. The babe had quieted down by then, giving Elaena a brief moment of peace.

She smiled down at the babe. She looked at Daemon, giving him a small smile. "Come... meet your -" She hesitated for a moment, realizing that the midwives were still present.

"Nephew." She continued. Daemon walked closer to his sister as he looked down at his son. Both he and Elaena were happy that it was a boy.

"What shall we name him?" Elaena asked. "What about Calys? For mother." Elaena suggested, causing Daemon to shake his head.

"I know exactly what his name is," Daemon suggested, looking at the white-haired babe that bore a striking resemblance to him.

Daemon almost laughed when he realized that this was, in fact, his son. Rhaenar had believed that the babe was his.

"Maegor." Elaena looked up at her brother, an odd expression on her face. "They'd think me mad." Daemon looked down.

"They'd think you brave." Elaena shook her head. "Fine, then his name shall be Maegon." Elaena looked back down at the babe, his eyes shining as he looked around the room.

"Maegon it is." Elaena smiled before sniffing in Daemon's scent. He smelled like dragon, and for once, Elaena didn't mind.

The door to the room flung open, revealing Rhaenar, who had a smile on his face, but when he saw Daemon, his smile vanished.

"How's my son?" He asked monotonely. "He's strong, Rhaenar. You should be proud." Elaena said, knowing full well that the boy's strength did not come from Rhaenar.

Rhaenar stepped closer, looking down at the boy. "His name?" Rhaenar asked. "Maegon." Rhaenar's eyes opened wider.

"Maegon?" Elaena nodded. "After your mother." She said, causing Daemon to almost let out a laugh.

Rhaenar's mother was Maegara, so it was easy to play off as if she had named the babe for her.

In reality, Elaena despised Rhaenar's mother, but Maegara didn't live long enough to find out that she didn't like her.

"Very well," Rhaenar said, a small smile on his face. "I shall let you rest. Prince Daemon, I suggest you come too." Daemon turned to face Rhaenar. "I'll let her rest later, there is something we need to discuss first."

Elaena nodded as Rhaenar walked out. She handed the babe to the midwife, looking up at Daemon.

"Yes?" Daemon smirked. "I just wanted that idiot out of the room." They were both alone at this point.

Elaena let out a small chuckle as Daemon walked to the door, closing it. "You've outdone yourself, sister. You can't tell he's Rhaenar's son at all."

When Elaena didn't chuckle at his joke, he turned to look at her. She looked as if she'd fallen asleep.

Daemon walked to her, taking her hand. "Don't fall asleep on me now." Elaena didn't respond, causing Daemon to frown.

"Elaena?" He asked, slightly squeezing her hand. "Elaena?!" He put his hand on her shoulder, but her eyes stayed shut.

Daemon walked to the door, opened it, and looked down the hall. A midwife was walking with the Maester.

He called them inside, where they looked at Elaena's pale figure. She walked over to the white-haired princess, lifting her sheets and revealing blood all over the bed.

"By the gods..." The midwife muttered as the Maester closed the door, leaving Daemon outside.

He was confused. Elaena had been talking to him only a moment before. She was fine. The babe had been born. The worst part was over.

After what felt like an eternity, the midwife finally opened the door, looking distraught.

She walked past Daemon and straight outside, where Rhaenar was waiting. The Maester soon made his way out as well, but Daemon stopped him.

"What is wrong with her?" He asked. "I'm sorry, my Prince. I'm afraid the Princess Elaena has passed."


A/N- Damn. I shocked myself with this one ~D

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