Where is Bell?

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The journey unfolded with a relentless intensity, the horses thundering along the road, their hooves setting the very path ablaze with urgency. Ruth, the mage, usually composed and deliberate, rode at the forefront with a palpable sense of urgency.

"I've never seen the mage in such a hurry," one of the knights remarked, a wry grin playing on his lips as he motioned toward Ruth.

"We have no time to lose," Ruth snapped, the determination etched in his voice cutting through the air like a blade, "The last reports from Ethlene were extremely worrisome." His jaw clenched with a mix of anxiety and resolve, his gaze focused on the unseen horizon. The worry for Belisent, a thread that bound him to an unsettling fate, gnawed at his core.

The landscape blurred as they raced forward, each mile marking a cadence of apprehension. Dust billowed in the wake of their swift procession, and the rhythmic beat of hooves echoed the urgency that fueled their journey.


Near Ethlene Castle, Sir Ursuline and the other knights busied themselves at a nearby river after fending off a monster attack. The rhythmic sounds of water lapping against the shore accompanied the clinking of armor and swords being cleansed of the vile residue left by the monstrous assailants. As the knights diligently washed off the blood, Ruth wandered higher up the river, seeking solace in the cold, clear water.

Squatting down, he submerged a clean cloth into the river, the cool liquid refreshing on his face and neck as he methodically cleansed away the traces of battle. Glancing up, he spotted a petite figure approaching.

"Bell?", Ruth stood up, his eyes widening and his heart skipping beats at the sight of her. He rushed forward, immediately enveloping her in an intimate hug.

"Ruth... finally," she whispered, looking up at the silver-haired man. His eyes stared at her hungrily, as she touched his face with gentle fingertips. Ruth hastily guided her against a tree, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss, as they were granted privacy by the branches and bushes around them.

Yet, something felt amiss.

His hand trailed up her spine, finding its way to her neck. In a sudden shift, he pushed her away, holding her in place with a strangling grip. "Who the hell are you, and where is Bell?", he growled.

The woman in front of him grinned. "You realized it faster than I anticipated. What a pity, I really was enjoying this..."

Bell's visage melted away, revealing the true identity of the woman.

"Morwynn," he growled angrily. "Where is Bell?"

"Who knows, perhaps dead, perhaps alive?" she grinned, licking her lips with pleasure. "But it's nice; I finally got to taste you, mage Ruth. And how delicious your lips are. Mhhhh..." She moaned in delight before choking as his grip tightened around her neck.

"You really are repelling," he pierced her with the deadliest look, a heavy frown etched across his face. Turning her around, he led her back to the rest of the knights, while she continued to wear her devilish grin.

"We have a prisoner," Ruth declared, pushing Morwynn in front of Sir Ursuline.

Sir Ursuline surveyed the captive Morwynn with a stern gaze, his features reflecting wariness. Morwynn, despite being restrained, exuded an unsettling air of captivation. The sunlight danced upon her face, highlighting the sinister gleam in her eyes.

Ruth, his jaw still clenched in restrained anger, spoke to the assembled knights. "This is Morwynn, the traitor who killed Sir Aegis, and a deceiver who took on the appearance of Commander Belisent. We must extract information about Commander Belisent's whereabouts and the nature of her plans."

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