The War - Part 1

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The door to Bell's chamber at Calypse Castle creaked open slowly, and Maxi cautiously peered inside, her gaze seeking comfort in her sister-in-laws chamber. With stealth befitting a secret rendezvous, Adular, her dragon, slipped into the chamber, and Maxi, satisfied that no prying eyes had witnessed their entry, followed suit.

"I'm not sure... how to introduce you... to the others," Maxi confessed, her fingers nervously scratching her cheek, uncertainty etched on her face. The burden of revealing the hatched dragon weighed heavily on her; she knew she should inform her husband, but the fear of his potential demand to slay Adular loomed. Recalling his impassioned argument with Bell, Maxi opted for seeking refuge in Bell's chamber for now.

"What would you d-do... Bell?" Maxi murmured, scanning the room for guidance. The ambiance of the chamber held memories of Bell's fervor for dragons, and Maxi's eyes traversed the expanse of Bell's desk, revealing an assortment of books dedicated to the majestic creatures.

"A-Adular, look... There are books... about dragons!" Maxi exclaimed as she settled down, delving into the wealth of knowledge laid out before her. Meanwhile, Adular reclined on Bell's bed, its watchful eyes following Maxi's journey through the dragon-inspired tomes. In the quietude of Bell's sanctuary, Maxi sought wisdom from the pages, forging a connection with her dragon Adular amidst the tales of mythical beasts.

Dragon species

Red dragons are greedy and territorial, dwelling in warm habitats like volcanoes. Identified by long wings and horns, they love hoarding treasure and are known for their deadly fire breath.

Blue dragons are lawful and pensive, living in hot, dry areas. Identified by frilled ears and a horn, they prefer ambushing prey and breathe lightning.

Green dragons are schemers, masters of intrigue in forest habitats. With hornlets on their heads, they reek of chlorine, stalk prey, and breathe poisonous gas.

White dragons are intelligent, living in icy climates. Identified by sharp eyes and fur-like scales, they prefer solitude, pack food in snow, and breathe chilling frost.

„You... are a white dragon!", Maxi beamed at Adular, who looked up at her tilting its head. „Let's find out... more about you...", Maxi searched through another book.

White dragons, known for their intelligence, inhabit icy regions like the Arctic or high mountains. Preferring solitude, they travel alone, showcasing remarkable memory skills. Identified by sharp, intelligent eyes and fur-like scales, they navigate snow-covered landscapes with wide feet and sharp claws. Emitting a cold aura, white dragons prefer chilling their food in frosty environments, sometimes packing victims in snow. Swift and alert, these dragons may exhibit cowardly behavior, so caution is advised.

Raising a white dragon requires a delicate balance of care, respect, and understanding. Begin by creating a suitable environment in frigid, icy surroundings, such as Arctic regions or high mountains. Construct a spacious cave or shelter with ample room for the dragon to move freely.

Provide a diet of chilled food, catering to the dragon's preference for frosty climates. Incorporate a mix of meats and ensure a steady supply of fresh water. Remember that white dragons prefer solitude, so limit interaction with too many different people to avoid causing stress. White dragons can get very attached to one person. It is possible to tame them to become loyal companions if the bond grows strong enough. Building trust is crucial. Spend time near the dragon without imposing, gradually earning its confidence. Offer gentle gestures and acts of kindness, fostering a bond based on mutual understanding.

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