The Calm before the Storm

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As the group reached Ethlene Castle, the weight of unconsciousness clung to Bell, ensnaring her in a fragile slumber that refused to release its grip.

The castle's maids and healers, well-versed in the arts of restoration, approached with gentle assurances, offering to tend to Bell's recovery. However, Ruth stood like an unyielding sentinel by Bell's bedside.

"Master Ruth, the maids and healers will take good care of Lady Belisent. You need rest as well," urged the castle's head healer, a woman with a demeanor softened by years of soothing ailments.

Ruth's gaze remained fixed on Bell's pale face, the lines of worry etched on his forehead.

"I appreciate your concern, but I cannot leave her side. I know her condition better than anyone, and I will not abandon her in this vulnerable state."

The head healer exchanged a knowing glance with her attendants, understanding the unspoken connection that bound Ruth to the unconscious Lady Belisent. They withdrew, leaving Ruth to maintain his silent vigil.

The chamber, bathed in a gentle glow from the flickering candles, became a sanctuary of quiet determination. Ruth's occasional whispers, words of encouragement and longing, were the only sounds that permeated the air. He adjusted the blankets with meticulous care, his fingers tracing the contours of Bell's delicate features.

Ruth's refusal to leave Bell's side became a testament to the depth of his commitment. And so, within the confines of Ethlene Castle, Ruth stood as both guardian and companion, his unwavering presence echoing the unspoken promise to remain by Bell's side until she emerged from the cocoon of unconsciousness into the light of wakefulness.


While Maxi leisurely strolled through the enchanting corridors of Ruth's ancient tower, her senses attuned to the aromatic whispers of herbs that perfumed the air, she embarked on a quest to find specific ingredients for a tea to soothe the severe stomach cramps afflicting one of the squires. The soft echo of her footsteps reverberated through the stone passages as she delved into the heart of the tower's secrets.

Amidst the shelves laden with mystical vials and jars, a peculiar noise interrupted the tranquility—a rhythmic toc toc toc, like the distant beats of an unseen visitor. Maxi's inquisitive gaze scanned the surroundings, but the source eluded her.

Toc toc toc persisted, echoing through the tower's chambers, casting an eerie atmosphere. "H-hello?" she hesitantly called out, her voice carrying through the mysterious space. An unsettling chill crept up her spine as the ancient stones seemed to hold secrets untold.

Suddenly, a resounding crack reverberated, disrupting the stillness.

„Gaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!", Maxi shrieked, squeezing her eyes shut, dropping to her knees and covering her head protectively with her hands.

As nothing happened, she carefully opened one eye. Her heart was hammering against her chest and her body trembled in fear. What was that? What was happening in here?

‚Damn it Ruth! Your tower is creeping me out!', Maxi thought frowning as her gaze scanned her surroundings.

As something dropped from the shelf with a soft thud, Maxi's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening as she beheld the dragon egg's shell shattered on the floor. It was as if time had frozen, the red-haired lady's attention entirely captured by the tiny white dragon unfolding within its confines.

The newborn dragon emitted a gentle growl, its ice-blue eyes locking with Maxi's, a silent acknowledgment passing between them in this surreal moment. With a whip of its tail and a tilt of its head, it let out another soft cry, its vulnerability tugging at Maxi's heartstrings.

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