Foul Play

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A delicate morning breeze caressed Ruth's skin, as if nature itself were whispering sweet secrets. In the quiet dawn, her presence lingered like a graceful dance, the intertwining of their mana creating an enchanting harmony.

A profound sense of tranquility settled over Ruth. It was a feeling foreign to him, one he couldn't recall experiencing in ages. Yet, in that tender moment, he chose to embrace the warmth of the figure nestled beside him, the air carrying a soft, alluring fragrance that added to the ethereal atmosphere.

Cocooned in the coziness of his warm bed, Ruth allowed himself to drift back into a serene slumber, inhaling her pleasant scent, nuzzling his face into her nape, as the early morning casted a spell of quiet magic around them.


"See you later," she whispered, planting tender kisses on Ruth's slumbering form, gently gracing his forehead and cheek with the warmth of her lips before quietly departing to turn to her duties as the sun started to rise.


The gentle touch of the winter sun stirred Ruth from his slumber, its warmth coaxing him awake. He opened one eye, still foggy from sleep, having enjoyed a deep and rejuvenating rest. A sense of complete refreshment enveloped him; he felt undeniably good.

Yet, as he looked around, the realization dawned that he was alone.

"Was that a dream?" Ruth pondered to himself, settling back into bed and inhaling the lingering scent on the sheets. No, it wasn't a dream. He could feel her essence, her scent lingering on him, and portions of her captivating mana entwined with his. This unique synastry between them was something entirely new, and he made a conscious decision to preserve it, savoring the remnants of her mana within him.

Closing his eyes, he reveled in the intertwining energies and reflected on the events of the previous night.

They had lived in the moment. But that moment was now part of yesterday, and yesterday was a closed chapter.

The weight of reality hit him as he acknowledged the impending council meeting, a gathering that addressed the very matter that had cast a shadow of despair over him - Belisent's marriage proposals.


Bell gazed at her reflection in the mirror, the remnants of yesterday's beauty still lingering in her mind. It had given her a glimpse of what could be – her and him together, a world where they reveled in each other's company.

The intrusive knocking shattered the fragile daydream, bringing her back to the harsh reality that lurked beyond her chamber door.

"Commander, there is an urgent matter that requires your immediate attention!" The voice of one of her combatants cut through the morning air, its urgency unsettling the tranquility of her room.

A frown etched itself on Bell's features. It was still early; what urgent matter could demand her attention at this hour?

Today, however, proved merciless, its bitterness seeping into every moment and staining the day with an unforeseen twist. The call to immediate departure echoed through the castle, summoning her to duty alongside two elite soldiers, Tylena and Maevis.

The weight of the unexpected change settled heavily on her shoulders, leaving no room for proper goodbyes. The reality of leaving without a chance to bid him farewell gnawed at her heart, aching with an emotion she couldn't fully express.


The council room hung heavy with tension, stifled by the weight of anxiety and apprehension among the attendees. They had initially come together to deliberate on the recent surge in monster activities, strategize Anatol's safety, and consider Belisent's marriage proposals. Yet, Belisent herself was notably absent, an unsettling void in the assembly.

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