Chapter 7(Liam's First Love Part2)

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A day before the bullying

Liam's Pov

As I walk to go home,I heard Oliver's voice and Alex's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey!Liam!Excited for the bullying tomorrow?Its gonna be good!"Oliver said while smirking.

What?!I am tired of being forced to do this!

"We are bullying...Ha!It should be....G!E!M!M!A!Its Gemma the transfer!I think its great if we bully her"Alex said while smirking and laughing.

My eyes widened when I heard the both of them laugh and said that.

What!??Gemma!?!No no no no,I can't do this!

I finally turned around them and asked"Why?"."Come on!Isn't it nice if we bully Gemma and plus,it looks like she can't fight back like that Leigh girl"Oliver answered.

I tried to pick between of bullying Gemma or being abused and I picked....Being abused but I realized that after they abused me I will still be forced to bully her.

I just nodded and continue to walk,but it hurts me to do that to Gemma,I just need to because if I didn't the both of us will end up into a worst situation than this.

At home,I realized that my parents weren't there.I went upstairs with a gloomy and angry look.

When I'm in my room,I put my bag on top of my bed and changed my uniform into my ususl clothes.

After changing,I lay on my bed with my face downward and I still tried to avoid what I need to do.

I kept thinking about Gemma and if I did that will she avoid me?Of course.

Gemma,a name that makes me happy whenever I hear it and the name of the person I love so much.

Gemma why did I fell that hard for you?I hate you!Why did you have to make me love you so much!?

"Gemma,Gemma,Gemma,Gemma,I love you so so so so so so so so much"I whispered to myself while I still lay on the bed and kept repeating her name and say that I love her so so so so much.

Does she loves me too?A question I always asked myself about and I can't find the answer until I heard it from her until I heard her gentle and soft voice that I admire.

I already loved Gemma even we just met  and only know each other for a few days but I fell that hard for her.

While I was still laying,I heard the door downstairs being opened and I knew it was my parents,I got up and grabbed a book from my bookshelf and walked back to my bed and sat there as I opened the book and slightly turned the page over.

While I was reading,I heard my mother shouted to call me for dinner.

I quickly got out of my bed and walked towards the door and opened it.

As I opened the door,the scent of the newly cooked curry is what I smell so I quickly walk downstaurs and saw curry,noodles and vegetable salad on the dining table.

I quickly sat down in one of the chairs and grabbed a fork and a spoon and started eating curry with a little bit of rice and the curry tastes so tasty and delicious.

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