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❝first period: magic history❞

"Then I kicked them out." Cater said. "I had to if I didn't want it to be off with my head..."

"Understandable..." [Y] mumbled after listening to Cater's story that happened at the Rose Maze this morning. No surprise that Cater would use his signature magic against the freshmen. "They should at least bake more to replace the new ones."

"Ooh, good idea." The ginger agreed with the taller male. "Trey does know how to make the best tarts. The strawberry tarts are your favorite, right?"

"Yeah. Nothing can beat Trey's tarts..." [Y] admitted.

"You sure love his tarts. I thought it was totes cute~" Cater chuckled. Idia can't help but feel invisible. He was being completely ignored by his crush and the Magicam addict weirdo. The flame blue haired male pouted and gently tug on the taller male's uniform, grabbing his attention.

"Sorry for making you feel invisible, Idia..." [Y] apologized.

"It's fine. I just want to make sure you don't forget me..." Idia blushed. [Y] gently pet the male on the head, "Don't think it that way, I won't forget you."

"Are you three done talking? You're causing distractions in class." Trein raise his eyebrows, "Focus."

"Yes, Professor Trein..."


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"You sure you'll be able to have students joining your clubs...?" [Y] inquired while reading the application given to him by the organized teal haired twin. "Mountain Lover Club sounds like a great club, however there aren't that many people who are mountain lovers."

"Come now, [Y]-kun. If there aren't any, then will you volunteer for me?" Jade clasped his hands together with a genuine smile. "You wouldn't turn down your beloved boyfriend, would you?"

"..." Now that [Y] think about it, hiking on a mountain is a great idea. It's nice to take a walk on the mountain and camp there. No surprise to see Jade wanting to form a club for mountain climbers since he's a mushroom lover. The taller male doesn't personally hate mushrooms, he enjoys them. Author-chan apologized to those who dislike mushrooms. So...it wouldn't be so bad to approve of Mountain Lovers Club.

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