Chapter 22: ?

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The moon soon starts to rise over head. With night approaching, and Zenitsu being scared, the three head into a village. The three walk around for a bit to see what they can find. In the end they stop by an Inn where they can rest for the night.

Given clothes to sleep in they change and get ready to go to sleep. Tanjiro lays out the mats, minding his business as always. But, the other two have different plans. They're arguing again. Who would've guessed?

"Come back here!"

Zenitsu screams

Inosuke laughs then starts to chase Zenitsu around. Zenitsu is chased around in circles—around Tanjiro who only sighs.

"Help meee!"

"Quiet down. It's late."
Tanjiro demands

He stands up then quickly grab a hold of Inosukes arm. He's yanked back by the force of the grab, almost falling over. Inosuke tries breaking free from Tanjiro's hold but his efforts are in vain.

"Let go of me Gonpachira!"

"Settle down."
Tanjiro response.

Zenitsu cries and whimpers in the corner to avoid the boar masked man. He huffs out and stops trying to escape from Tanjiro. Trust me when I say this—Tanjiro picks up Inosuke and lays him down. He does the same to Zenitsu then lays down himself.

Tanjiro orders

The two lay there. Dumbfounded and processing what just happened. They turn their heads to look at each other, blink, then turn away again. Soon the trio is fast asleep.

Though the night is still and a gentle breeze blows by–something's off. Nothing is as it seems. Someone, or something watches from within the darkness of the night.

??? (idk, I'm trying. Be nice :,)

It watches. A couple walk side by side while talking to one another. It moves toward them. The peaceful night is soon cut short by sudden screams.

People who are nearby hear this and get worried. One walks to where the screams came from but ends up as the couple just did. One after another and panic arises. The entire village goes into chaos and now it has come out from the shadows.

A demon.

It's not the one the three are looking for–no–but it's a demon. Due to the screams and panicked yelling they wake up. Zenitsu practicly jumps up in fear from the chaos that has risen outside. Inosuke and Tanjiro sit up as well. Tanjiro smells it. He knows what's there.

"A demon is attacking the village."


"HAHA! Ima kill it first!"
Inosuke announces.

They all get up and quickly get their things. Changed and ready they run outside, the village people run away from one direction. Tanjiro looks at Inosuke and Zenitsu, they look at each other then back to Tanjiro. He races towards the direction the villagers run away from. The other two following close behind.

Out of nowhere, a large piece of rubble lands in front of Tanjiro. He skids to a stop before being hit, and so do the other two. Giggling close by is heard. Tanjiro snaps his head to the sound, watching though narrow eyes. A large ball slowly rolls infront of them then stops.

"What is th–"
Inosuke starts

A puff of colored smoke come from nowhere. The trio steps back in surprise, on high alert. The smoke subsidies and comes into view is a female demon. She stand stands balanced on the large ball with a look of annoyance on her face. She looks somewhat like a circus performer.

"Ugh. It's demon slayers."
She huffs out

The three stare at her with katanas raised. Tanjiro notices something is off though. The demon present has a frown plastered on her face. So, who was giggling?

The giggle is heard again, it turns into a more manic laugh. To his speculation, another demon appears. She leans to the side from behind the first one. She seems to have just spawned. Unlike the first one she has a grin on her face.

"Isn't this fun?"

"Shut up."
The first one says





Hello, it's been a while. Short but I tried.

Also I just wanted to say the demons, if you haven't noticed, are based off Glitz and Glam from Helluva Boss, personality wise. They wont look exactly like them obviously.

My friend loves Hellavu Boss so I just thought of using them as inspiration. If you don't know heres a photo of them:

          Glitz^                        Glam^

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          Glitz^                        Glam^

An actual scene:

An actual scene:

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