Chapter 13

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(I don't remember if I mentioned this or not but let's just say giyuu gave tanjiro a katana of his own)


"Wait, they're still alive"

"Stop denying every turn!"
Inouske yells

Tanjiro turns around after dodging another attack. He sees Inouske running towards him, already in front of Tanjiro. Quickly, with his demon speed he steps to the side as if it was nothing.

Inouske runs into a tree.

Murata's katana clashes against another's. Fear is still present on his face as he tries to defend himself. As he's distracted by another demon slayer attacking him one more comes from behind.

Inouske jumps on their back from nowhere pushing them to the ground. In one swift motion both Inouske and Tanjiro grab the one Murata is fighting and flips them to the ground.

'A strange sweet scent from his back...'

Tanjiro unsheaths his katana and swings it above the slayer on the floor as they get up. Once Tanjiro swings his katana strings can be seen in the air and the demon slayer falls to the ground.

"They're being manipulated by threads! Cut the threads!"
Tanjiro shouts

Inouske brings his arms back as his body lowers slightly. He then jumps forward and over three slayers while swinging his two katanas. Inouske lands on the ground behind them and the three he jumped over all fall down.

"I already knew that before you caught on!"

'Now, the location of the demon controlling them.'

Tanjiro looks around with a serious face. A sudden, strong smell hits his nose. He jolts up slightly and covers his nose.

'What's this? What an irritating odor. Even if it was just for a second.'

Crawling noises can be heard. Tanjiro uncovers his nose and looks at his arm. He sees tiny white spiders with red dots on them crawling on his arm.

'Whats this?'


"Heh hehe..."

A women in white sits alone on a rock. She thin threads seem to be coming out of her fingers.

She yanks her arm back...


Tanjiro's arm gets yanked forward. He cuts the threads attached to his arm. The spiders that were once on his arm jump back and off his arm. He watches as they crawl away.

'So, the spiders are connecting the puppet string? So that means...'

The demon slayers who lay on the floor slowly rise up, back onto their feet.


"He heh...Now then, my sweet little doll' until your arms and legs fall off."

A sweet female voice says


"Its not enough to just cut the threads! The spiders will just spin more threads, so-"
Tanjiro gets cut off

He flinched once again and covers his nose. The smell is back.

'That acrid smell again! What is it anyway..? Its being carried by the wind'
Tanjiro thinks

He looks down only to spot more spiders coming his way. He jumps back to get away.

"So, all we gotta do is kill these damn spiders, huh?"
Inouske asks

"Those spiders are tiny. There's likely a lot more. We gotta find the demon controlling them."
Tanjiro says

Inouske views the area and sees spiders moving near him. He starts to stab them one by one. Tanjiro looks behind him and sees Inouske. He doesn't say anything as he senses something. Quickly, he steps back and dodges another attack.

"If you have some way to pinpoint the demons location, then help. Also..?"

"It's Murata!"

"We'll find a way to deal with the people being controlled"
Tanjiro orders

His eyes dart around the forest. He has his katana out, ready. Tanjiro stops in his footsteps, he looks up.

A young looking demon, with white skin, in all white and has red dots on them can be seen in the air.

"Don't disturb my family's peaceful life. Mother will kill you all right away."
The demon says

Tanjiro doesn't flant his position. He stands his ground, not breaking eye contact.

"Ngaaaaah ghaa!"
Inouske yells

He runs up and jumps on a near by demon slayer. He pushes himself up and into the air. Inouske tries cutting the thread the demon is standing on but can't reach. The demon watches with a blank face, one like Tanjiro. He walks off.

"Damn you! Where the hell do you think you're going? Fight me! Fight--"
Inouske shouts

Inouske gets cut off when he hits the ground. Tanjiro just stand there, emotionless.

"Why did he show up anyway?"
Inouske asks

He sits up as if nothing happened.

"Don't worry about him. He's not the one controlling them!"
Tanjiro shouts

Tanjiro yells out at Inouske as he blocks an attack. Inouske blocks an attack too. They push the demon slayers being controlled. They step back, their katanas ready.


Hello again. I was planning on making it longer but I had an after school activity that lasted till 8pm. It was only for two days but even then it still went up to 6pm. I wrote when I could.

Have a nice day

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