Chapter 20: Kamaboko group

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After that night Tanjiro goes back inside before anyone wakes up. When the sun rises all is calm–the expectation of Inosuke and Zenitsu. Giyuu is called upon for a mission late in the morning. Tanjiro follows him out the mansion only for Giyuu to stop him.

"I won't be long. Wait here."
Giyuu orders

He is relatively calm with leaving Tanjiro behind. The same can't be said for Tanjiro. His brows move up ever so slightly in some sort of surprise expression. He can not believe what he just heard.

'Giyuu is leaving me?'
Tanjiro thinks

He wants to object but doesn't want to get in his way. So, Tanjiro nods and watches as Giyuu leaves. Not only does he now feel abandoned he starts to worry about Giyuu's safety.

Just as he starts to think of the worst scenarios humanly possible, a voice breaks his thoughts. 2 voices rather. 2 voices, 1 screaming and crying, the other laughing like a mad man.

Before Tanjiro can even turn around he is pushed to the ground. A low growl comes from his throat but then it stops. He sees it's just Zenitsu and Inosuke. The two idiots according to him. Zenitsu is screaming on the top of his lunges while on top of Tanjiro. He's the one that ran into him.

Inosuke continues to laugh like a manic. Tanjiro, who is still under Zenitsu, pushes him off and gets up. Zenitsu clings to Tanjiro's leg while whining and crying.


Zenitsu cries

Tanjiro is annoyed, tired that their already fighting again. He attempts to shake him off his leg to no avail. It just causes Zenitsu to cling onto him tighter.



"I told you already, it's Kamado Tanjiro"
Tanjiro corrects

Inosuke stares at him then let's put a huff. He crosses his arms and turns his head as if he was a kid.

"That's what I said Jantiro"


"Yes I did Monjiro!"

"You did it again"

"I got it right Salami!"

"What. That's a food..."
Tanjiro trails off

Inosuke look back at Tanjiro and puts his hands on his hips. He laughs once again in pride, like he did something right. Zenitsu isn't even crying anymore he's just completely confused. Tanjiro just walks away at that point.

"Wait, Tanjiro!-"
Zenitsu calls out

Zenitsu scrambles to his feet and chases after Tanjiro while wailing again. Inosuke follows after them too.


Hey guy's, I'm sorry that the past few chapters are short. I've been busy with school work like tests and exams. I have after school activities too. I would continue writing this chapter but I've been to multiple different places today.

I'm currently writing this while on the way to another party. I'll be busy tomorrow too, sorry again.

Have a good day/night.

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