Chapter 4: Arriving

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The morning air blows through the duo's hair as they walk. It's been about a week now, giyuu and tanjiro make it to oyakata's estate. Giyuu bows down on one knee as he sees his master; oyakata, standing in front of him with two young looking children next to him.

"Glad you made it tomioka"

"Thank you master"
Giyuu replys

Oyakata stops speaking to listen to the girl who is letting him know that tanjiro is out in the sun.

"I see, I'm beening told that the demon is out in the sunlight?"

"Yes master...he seems to be immune to the sun."

"Mhm, my interest is peaked. Tell me, what's you're name?"
Oyakata questions

Tanjiro looks at him blankly then down a little while introducing himself.

"I'm kamado tanjiro"

"You haven't injured anyone before right?"

"No, I have no reason to..."

"Mhm, so you're immune to the sun I see"


"That is an ability that any other demon can only dream of. With that in mind, if figured out the demon king himself might want to come after you. For this reason, tomioka, I want you to keep him hidden and not tell anyone. Especially the other hashiras. Understood?"

"Understood master"

"Good, tanjiro you will be with tomioka and will have to help him on missions, okay?"
Oyakata questions again

Tanjiro looks at him then at tomioka then back to oyakata. He nods in response which one of the twins informs him of. He smiles softly and dismisses them. Giyuu stands up, looking over to tanjiro he grads his hand then pulls him away towards his own estate.


They are sitting in giyuus room doing nothing in particular, mainly just sitting and staring. All of a sudden they hear a 'caw' from outside. They head outside and listen as the crow caws at them.

"Caw, caw! Giyuu Tomioka is to slay demons at the western villages! Giyuu Tomioka is to slay demons at the western villages! Caw, caw!"

Giyuu looks at tanjiro who is staring back then starts running towards the villages with tanjiro close behind.


It's night out...the perfect time for demons to come out. Giyuu and tanjiro had just made it to one of the villages they have to go to. They sit on a roof watching over the village trying to spot a demon. Tanjiro smells something turning his head towards the direction without a word, catching giyuu attention.

"What's wrong?"


Giyuu questioned

Tanjiro started running towards the scent leaving giyuu behind. He started following tanjiro but was far behind, Tanjiro was to fast.


Tanjiro stopped in front of an alleyway where he could see two figures standing there. He started to growl with his fangs bare and his pupils turning into slit's. He walks into the alley and can now see a demon cornering a woman and her child. The women protecting her child reminded tanjiro of how nezuko was protecting ruko, in which made him furious.

He leaped forward pining the demon to the ground. His eyes glow red in the dark, shocking the other demon who didn't sense tanjiro.

"Get off!"
Yelled the demon

Tanjiros nails had grown long and were now digging into the others shoulder. He is interrupted by crying that comes from the child the women is holding. Tanjiro stops pinning the demon to the ground jumping over to the women. She holds her baby tighter as she sees tanjiro, shaking she tries to back away.

"Hey, she's mine to devour. Find you're own meal."
The other demon says coldly

Tanjiro pays no attention to him but looks at the front of the alley where he came from to see giyuu. He stands up with the women in his hands and takes her out side of the alley as giyuu handles the demon. Tanjiro sets her down on a bench making sure to be careful and not make sudden movements. She stares at him for a moment before bursting into tears.

"T-thank you for s-saving my child!"

"You're welcome, be careful next time when walking alone at night."

"I u-understand, thank you again"
The women shakes

Tanjiro nods his head then leaps away back into the alley. He sees giyuu and a disintegrating head that of the demons.

"Is she safe?"


Giyuu replys

Without a word the two leave the alley to a spot on a roof.


Don't know if this is any good it felt random to me. Either way I'm gonna take a nap.

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