chapter seven

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Play Everywhere by Michelle Brant when you see ***

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Play Everywhere by Michelle Brant when you see ***


"Harry? What are you doing here?" I just stand there, staring at him in my doorway. My thoughts race again.

How can he be here right now?

Who is running the store?

Why is he here?

How did he know where I lived?

He rocks back and forth on his heels awkwardly. "I- uh, Maddie told me that you were sickly, so I brought you some soup." He brings his hands from behind his back, occupied with a bowl and a bouquet of tulips. "I brought flowers too because I thought they would cheer you up. I didn't know what kind of soup you liked so I just bought some chicken noodle from the cafe near the shop, I hope that's ok. I hope you like it. It's ok if you don't, I just wan-" I cut his nervous rambling off.

"Harry, it's perfect. It's one of my favorites actually," I smile up at him, and he returns the smile. "Why don't you come in and we can share some of the soup?" I step off to the side, giving him space to come in.

"A-are you sure? I don't want to impede on your day, especially if you're not feeling well." He stammers. Why is he always so nervous around me? Where is the confident Harry I met in the bookstore?

I grab his wrist and pull him into my apartment. "I'm positive." I giggle at him. "I could use the company anyway." The lighthearted mood turns dark, leaving an awkward silence to come over us. I clear my throat and close the door. "Anyway, follow me to the kitchen. I'll get us some bowls and spoons.

He sits down at the counter and I can feel his eyes on me, burning into my skin as I grab what we need. I hope he doesn't ask about the kiss. I can't give him an answer on why I ran and ghosted him if I don't know myself. You do know why. You just don't want to admit it to yourself. I shake that voice inside my head. I turn around to face Harry, holding the bowls of soup in my hands. I slide him one and sit down across from him and we eat our food in awkward silence, both of us waiting for the other to say something.

A few minutes go by before both of us finally speak up at the same time.

"What are you-" I start.

"Why did you-" He starts.

We both laugh at the fact that we both broke the silence simultaneously. It's one of the most beautiful sounds I've heard. His laughter bounces off the walls, echoing throughout my kitchen. All of my problems seemed to melt away as he laughed.

Once we compose our laughter I inform him that he can go first.

"Alora, why did you run away after the kiss?" And just like that, all of my problems are back.

He seems nervous to be asking this. Is this why he came over? It wasn't because he wanted to check up on me. I should've known. This always happens to me. How could I still be so stupid?

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