chapter three

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Panic attacks 

If you need a summary of the chapter my messages are always open. Take care of yourself. <3 


I watch Alora and Bella say bye to Maddie and leave the store. I turn to Maddie, "I'm gonna marry her someday." I lay my head in my hands, looking out the door.

"Good luck with that one H. I'm pretty sure she's sworn off boys after her last relationship." She jokes.

I perk up, now interested in what she means. She continues, "Her last boyfriend broke up with her because sh-, never mind. I shouldn't be telling you this. It's not my place. Just know that he messed her up and started spreading rumors all over her high school, like really awful rumors." She winces just thinking about it.

"I'm many things Maddie and a patient, convincing man is one of them," I say, pushing myself off the counter.

"I know you are H. But as much as I love her, she has a lot of insecurities about the way she looks. She had a pretty messed up childhood, and got bullied a lot." Maddie hesitates like she's trying to leave something out. I shake it off and try to change the subject.

"Well tell me, what are her hobbies? What is she going to school for?" I ask, trying to learn more about her without making Maddie uncomfortable.

"She really loves reading. Like that girl always has a book in her hand. That's actually how we became friends. We were both in an online book club and we just instantly clicked." She says reminiscing over the first time she and Alora started talking.

"Well, that definitely explains why I caught her sniffing my books earlier," I say, not noticing the smile on my face. That is until Maddie points it out.

"Wow, you must really like her already. You're as red as a tomato right now." She teases me.

I roll my eyes at her accusation. "I don't know her well enough to like her, I just think she's the most beautiful girl to walk this earth."

"Well I can tell you that she's going to the University of London and she's majoring in English, she wants to become a publisher." She shrugs her shoulders, walking away to sort some shelves.

"That gives me a perfect way to get to know her more. Do you know if she's looking for a job by chance?" I lean against the front counter, crossing my arms and smirking at Maddie.

She turns around, squinting at me." I can ask ... but what do you have up your sleeve?" She asks suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing. I just felt like it would be nice for you to work with one of your best friends. Can't I do something nice for you without being interrogated about my intentions? That hurts Mads." I act offended, putting my hand on my heart.

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