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well....we meet again. this story might very quickly become my favorite out of the three. This story is very personal to me and the characters are based on my very best friends. I have gone through some of the same things that Alora goes through so please be gentle with her.

With that being said I think I should get to some trigger warnings.

                                                                      MENTIONS OF:


                                                             SUICIDAL THOUGHTS

                                                                       SELF HARM

                                                                   VERBAL ABUSE

                                                            NEGATIVE SELF TALK



                                                          SEXUAL CONTENT

just a disclaimer there may be more as the story goes on but I will make sure to put warnings as they come up

Here's your infamous reminder that this is a fictional story. The characters in this story are CHARACTERS, I am not making assumptions or claims about any of the people I have selected for the face claims- they're simply there to help out your (and mine) imagination :)

please refrain from the negative comments, they will be deleted and you will be blocked

cast list will be in the next chapter

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