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June 13th, 2023


The day has finally come. Graduation. I've been looking forward to my high school graduation since I was a kid. I didn't even bother looking at any colleges close to here because I don't plan on sticking around. I just want to leave and never look back. No one would even miss me, all my family does is put me down about my looks and weight any chance they get. Plus I was never really popular. While everyone else was going to parties and losing their virginities, I was cooped up in my room reading about other people having sex. And now I'm graduating high school as a virgin. It's not like I never had the opportunity; I'm just scared and waiting for the right time and person to lose it to. Because of my parents, I feel ashamed of my body and if I'm ashamed of it why would any guy who sees what's underneath want anything to do with me?

I got accepted to the University of London and I'm majoring in English. I'm moving in with one of my best friends whom I met online. She's one of my favorite people, along with the other girls. We all have so many things in common. We all love books and reading and just being together even though we don't hang out much because they all live in London and I live in Hudson, Wisconsin.

There's Nicki, she's the mom friend of the group. Major book nerd, I'm pretty sure we're the biggest nerds in the group. She's the type of person who is always down for whatever and believes that something is only illegal if you get caught. She's always trying to get us into trouble. She was pretty shy and closed off at first but once she knew she could trust us she wouldn't shut up.

Then there's Kim, she's introverted but is outgoing when around her friends. If you can't find her she's either listening to music or you can find her in her kitchen baking up a storm. She probably has the biggest heart out of all of us, but if you mess with her friends there's nothing she won't do. She likes to think she's pretty funny and I guess at times that can be true.

Then you have Bella, she's my best friend out of the group. When we first met in person we instantly clicked. She was pretty shy at first but once we got to know her she opened right up. She's just like the rest of the girls in that way, I think that's why we all click. She's really carefree and adventurous; she's down for just about anything. She's the artsy one out of the girls, she loves painting, taking pictures, and all things music. As much as she loves hanging out with her friends, she appreciates her alone time as well, which will make her the best roommate ever. She's one of the funniest people I know, but she can never know that or it'll go to her head.

Josie, she's probably the most different out of all of us. She's very much extroverted and doesn't really care what other people think of her as long as she's making her friends smile she's happy. She's always the one to make someone laugh if she senses they're upset. She's the goofball of the group and we all have a nice collection of silly, candid pictures of her on our phones.

Nicki may be the mom friend of the group but Emma is the mama bear. She's always going to stick up for the people she loves. You should've seen her when I told her about my ex, Connor. I thought she was going to fly all the way here and castrate him. She's very charismatic. She can get just about anything out of you. Whether it be how you're truly feeling or something else, you can't hide it from Emma. She's such a hard worker, we sometimes have to pull her away from her work but when we do, she has the best time of her life. She's probably the baddest bitch out of all of us. Which kind of intimidates me, but then I remember her huge heart and how trustworthy she is. You can trust her with your life and all of your dirty little secrets. If you fuck up or if what you're doing is stupid, Emma is going to tell you. She's not afraid to hurt your feelings if it betters you as a person.

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