Ch 6: i got my eye on you

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Lunox pov:

Lunox was sleeping in the cabin that she found in the middle of the forest and she thought she could stay here for a while.

Lunox yawn "Wow, it's morning already? I need to find some fruits to eat, i'm starving" Lunox said.
While Lunox was finding some fruits to eat she heard some noises from the bushes. "Hello?" She asked, but no one answered and she thought it was just some rabbit or animals living in the forest "i wonder what Selena is doing now, i owe her my life 'cause she helped me to escaped in the kingdom. And i hope my brother is ok, maybe he's very worried right now" Lunox sighs.

Meanwhile Natan:

"Umm..hehe, prince A-amon w-would you like some pancakes?" Natan smiles nervously. "Why is he staring at me like that, it's creeping me out. And he looks scary" Natan says in his mind.
"No thanks, PRINCESS LUNOX" Aamon mockingly said.
"I can clearly see his adams apple, is she princess Lunox or some man trying to disguise as princess Lunox. I need to find out..." Aamon says in his mind.
"Ugh! This guy!" Natan says in his mind while faking his smile.

Lunox pov:

"Oh, i found some strawberries!" Lunox happily said.
Lunox picks up the strawberries and went back to the Cabin but suddenly she heard some noises in the bushes again, so she slowly walks towards the bushes "ok, here goes nothing.., Got ya!-" She was speechless, because she saw Selena sleeping in the tree behind the bushes. Lunox slowly walks towards Selena and leans at her, "is she ok?" She whispers.
"And why is she here? Didn't i left her at the kingdom.." Lunox whispered again.
Selena slowly opens her eyes and saw Lunox leaning towards her, she blushes "P-princess Lunox! I-i'm sorry i followed you (totally lying). I-i'm just worried about you.." Selena said.
"Huh? No, no it's ok.." Lunox said.
Lunox holds Selena's hand and help her to get up, "Selena wanna go to my new home, but it's just a temporary house anyway..." Lunox smiles.
"Y-yeah sure, princess.." Selena said.

(To be continued)

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