Curious Part 1

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IM BACK BITCHES, I Am Fancy Today. Imma order Silk Gloves & A Red Dress from Amazon.

Also it says Part 1 on the title, there will be 3 parts. Anygays moving on-

America POV

I got up and Limped over to my dresser. I can't look up what that date means, Canada & UK won't allow me to. But I'm to Curious. I grabbed my Laptop from my dresser and sat down on my bed. I had homework to do so might as well do that. I pulled up my homework page and started working. I also had a project to do. It was 1:12 in the morning when I was done with my homework. I have to keep studying. It was 3:29 when I was done with the project. I was starving & Tired but I still had more to do. When I finished it was 4:56 I put my laptop away and laid down. I fell asleep. I woke up to my Dumbass alarm. I barely got any sleep last night, I spent hours on the project and I think I only fell asleep at about 6:00. My alarm is set to 7:15. I got up out of bed. I was tired as fuck. I took a shower, put a yellow hoodie on & jean overall shorts. I put on some high socks and then I brushed my teeth. I was too tired to concentrate. I almost fell over when I was brushing my teeth. When I was done I put my toothbrush back. I Limped out to the dorm area, no one was awake. I put my shoes on and started Limping out the door. I felt like I was standing for awhile, and I was. I fell asleep standing. I woke up when I heard someone walking. My eyes were half shut. I probably looked tired because of my eyes. I thought I saw someone in front of me but I fell back asleep. It was busy in the hallways, So many people were awake. But I know that there were at least 20 people. Numbers. I want to visit my children.


This time I woke up. I saw Canada in front of me. He was saying Something that I couldn't hear.

Canada: How much sleep did you get?

Ame: 1 hour...

I fell back asleep.


Ame: Waht. Yeah hi.

I fell back asleep. Canada smacked me awake.

Ame: Who's there? Oh hi Canada.

Canada: How much sleep did you get?

Ame: 1 hour.

Canada: Why?

Ame: Nothing. I'm going somewhere.

Canada: You obviously need to go back to sleep.

Ame: No- wait I forgot to shut off my alarm.

Canada: Yeah, you definitely need sleep.

I Limped back to my dorm and into my room. I shut off my alarm and went back to Canada.

Canada: Alright, now where were you...

I fell asleep again. This time Canada just dropped it.


Everybody in the hallways heard that.

Ame: come into the music room with me.

Canada: Fine.

I took him into the music room, nobody was in there since it was the morning.

Ame: I didn't get any sleep, I do not need to hear fucking shouting at fucking 7:30 in the god damn morning.

Now that did it.

Canada: Fine! But tell me why you didn't get any sleep!

Ame: No. 

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