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America POV

I was still in my favorite spot by my tree, watching the birds fly around. Which reminds me I think I should go sneak my eagle in! There are no pets allowed on campus. Though countries national animals are bigger than others and live as long as their owner, I'm gonna find a way to sneak my eagle in. I got up and walked back to the school. I should drive back home grab my eagle. I never told anyone this, but I have eagle wings so maybe I can fly me and my eagle up to my dorm! I should probably go tell Canada that I'm leaving to get my bird.

I walked up to his dorm pulled out the spare key he gave me and opened the door. I saw Canada look at the door to see who opened it and saw me.

Canada: Oh hey! What's up Ame?

America: I just came to tell you I'm going to grab my eagle from home I need to stretch my wings.

Canada: I forgot you even had wings!

America: yeah they haven't been stretched the whole time we were here.

Canada: Oh yeah, Russia wanted to talk to you before you leave to get your bird.

America: How does he know I'm getting my bird?

Canada: well about that when I left your dorm the other day, he bumped into me and asked me.

America: Well tell him to forget it, I don't want to talk to him.

Canada: Oh come on Ame!

America: No. I'm gonna fly to our house instead, see you later Cana-Ada

Canada: Whatever Ame.

He seriously wanted to talk to me? Haven't I told him to back off? Ughh whatever I guess I will go talk to him before I leave. My wings were aching, Not stretching my wings for 3 weeks is like not stretching your back for 3 weeks. I was walking to where he would usually be, in one of the hallways. I finally found him.

Russia: Oh America! I thought you wouldn't come..

America: What do you want Russia I don't have all day?

Russia: Right, I want to become friends you've been ignoring me for 3 weeks!

America: Listen you know our father hates each other and I don't want to get be- I don't want to hurt you ok?

Russia: Amerrrica please!

His accent got thicker.

America: listen I want to be friends, but I can't..

America: Now I have to go.

Russia: Can I at least try to ask our fatherrrs? This is us not our fatherrrs!

America: I'm sorry ok?

I stretch out my wings and fly down the hallway. And I jump off the balcony at the end to fly to my family's house.

Russia: wait!-

Russia: *sigh*

It's true I really did want to be friends but my father would not beat me if I tried that. I eventually got to our house it felt nice to fly. I snuck into my room and grabbed my eagle. ( I was on the second floor with a balcony.) I flew off the balcony with my eagle, and let go of my eagle so she could fly. It felt nice when the air flew into my face it was hot that day so it felt nice.

My father was only nice if he was in a good mood and I followed all the rules. Like that time I called him he was in a good mood. If he was in a bad mood he would take it out on me. It was like there was two sides of him fighting. So if I didn't follow the rules I would get beaten.

I got back to my dorm with my eagle and flew her inside my room.

America: Well that felt nice, right Liberty?

My eagle looked at me. Assuming that was a yes, I went to the kitchen to grab her something to eat. Then went to take a nap.

^~The next day~^

I must've slept thru the night on my nap because for all I knew the calendar said Sunday. I slapped my alarm, and got off my bed. I got dressed to go to the park, I put on a long hoodie to hide my bandages & some ripped jeans. I tied up my mid length hair, and left my dorm. I walked to the park to meet Spain my teacher. Ughh why did I have to see a teacher today.

Spain: Oh why hello America!

America: Yeah, you to Mrs. Spain ( I put on a fake smile )

Spain: are you going to have fun today?

America: Sure

Spain: Have you been practicing your Spanish?

America: si tengo señora españa ( Yes I have Mrs.Spain )

Spain: Well that's good!

She left, and dropped my fake smile. I guess I will go sit next to my favorite tree again. As soon as I sat down I heard Эй, Америка! ( Hey America! )

Ughh it was Russia again, What did he want this time?

Russia: Oh sorry I spoke Russian a little.

America: It's fine or whatever I know every language.

Russia: Really?

America: yeah or whatever.

Russia: I think we can be friends! I asked my father!

America: Yeah? Did you ask my father? Didn't think so

Russia: Oh come on Ame he's one of the nicest guys, of course he'll say yes!

That's what you think...

Russia: So wanna be friends?

America: Fine ( it's one thing I can risk right? Can't be that bad )

Russia: Yes! My friend group is going to the mall Friday wanna come?

America: I can't I don't like people much I have anxiety so I can't.

Russia: oh well I'm gonna help you!

America: What?

I'm surprised such a tall mean looking guy could be so happy and nice...

( me: Why did I make Russia this way?He's supposed to be mean and I made him really really nice...😮)

Russia: I will help you get over your anxiety!

America: Fine I will go to the mall.

Russia: yes!

I'm back sorry it's so short I promise I will make next chapter really long!

Good-Bye Comrades!

Word count: 978

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