214 17 17

I can't help it
you've got your hold on me


I eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing here?" I did not want to actually believe what my mind was screaming at me believe. I just couldn't fathom the thought that he was the one who has been paying for all my college education.

Sameer walked towards me while holding a paper that looked like it was the receipt paper that the office gives out with the remaining balance. 

It was too late. I was TOO late.

He gently folded the paper that was in his hands and stuck it in his back pocket while keeping eye contact with me. His dark eyes gave away nothing. "Just asking a couple of questions." He shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Right." I tried not to let the panic settle in me.

His eyes watched me. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just strange that you're at my school that's all." I folded my arms across my chest.

"I already told you why I'm here." He said firmly but I knew those eyes were fighting to not tell me the truth.

I shrugged casually. "Okay. Sure."

He raised a brow. "Can I go now, officer?"

I rolled my eyes. I was supposed to be angry at him. "Whatever."

"Ah, there it is." He shook his head.

I put my hands on my hips. "What?" I snapped.

His eyes studied me for a few seconds. I started to feel my face heat up. "I'll see you around." He finally said and then walked away.

I stood there like an idiot, watching him leave.


I threw down my loan summary down in front of Wazirah. "Look at this shit!"

Wazirah looked up from her novel. She almost spit out her iced latte she was drinking. "A zero balance?!" She screamed and looked at me. "How?!"

"Sameer!" I screamed back. I wanted to tear him apart but then glue him back together.

Wazirah stood up. "He's on crack of some sort." She waved around my receipt. "Who does this when they are angry?"

I grabbed my head. "He says one thing and does another." I closed my eyes. "I don't even know what to do."

"He's insane." She said. "But, but at least you don't have any loans?"

I looked at her. "Wazirah!!"

She shrugged. "What?! Take it as a gift! Who cares?"

I shook my head. "He's just an asshat! He did it without even asking me."

Wazirah scoffed. "You would have said no?" She laughed. "You would have just fallen in love with even more. Maybe that's why he didn't want you to know! Maybe he felt guilty! Or Oh My God! He's jealous!"

I sighed. "Jealous? Of what?"

She shrugged. "You should see the way he looks at Henry. It's like he's ready to tear him apart when Henry gets too close to you."

I looked at her in disbelief. "And you seriously think this?"

Wazirah rolled her eyes. "I'm an observant person okay?"

I covered my face with the tea towel that was hanging off the chair.


"Girls!" Henry sang as he carried a box of cupcakes down the driveway. "Treats."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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