Part 7

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It's been 7 months since lisa marie passed away, and life has never really been the same since. There are times when I will hear a song, and it reminds me of her, especially if it is a song from her dad. I even have dreams that feel so real. Like once I dreamed that we were at Graceland in the meditation gardens just talking about whatever, and all of a sudden, she just vanished, and I woke up in a cold sweat and crying. After that, I started writing down my feelings about what I was experiencing from the dreams, and I even decided to talk to a therapist about it. At one session, she told me to imagine that Lisa Marie was setting right in front of me and just tell her how I was feeling about her passing. I looked at her like she was a bit crazy at first, but then I took a deep breath and started talking. I told her how I threw my plate across the room and how I cried nonstop for hours. I told her how I have dreams about her, and I spend time in the meditation gardens talking, and then she would just vanish. The therapist even suggested that I take a solo trip to Graceland and go visit her grave and just let the emotions go. A week later, I booked a flight to Graceland and went straight to her grave. I sat there for hours just talking to her and crying. To the people that were visiting, I must have looked like a crazy man, but I didn't care. After I leaned over and kissed her grave and said, "I'll love you forever. I felt so much better after that. I called the therapist as soon as I got back to the hotel and said, "Thanks for the advice it was very helpful. "You're welcome, Austin, anytime. We then hung up, and I went straight to sleep after that. As soon as I got home, I decided to do the same thing, but with my mom. I quickly grabbed my favorite picture of her and just talked and cried. A little backstory on my mom. She passed away from cancer when I was 23, and every now and then, I have dreams that she is alive again but dying. They feel so real that once I woke up in a cold sweat. I instantly grabbed a camera and walked over to the piano in my living room, and started recording myself singing unchanged melody by elvis presley. By the end of the song, I was looking up and crying. I then stood up, stopped recording, and sent it to my agent. That is what actually got me the role of Elvis. Can you just imagine what baz was thinking when he saw it. I still can't believe that after that, he still wanted me to be a part of the movie. I will always be grateful to baz and to the whole presley family for the opportunity to bring elvis's story to the big screen. It was a wonderful worldwind experience I'll never forget.

I think it is time that I end this story here. Hope you all enjoyed reading it. I had fun writing it.

Lisa Marie Presley February 1st 1968-January 12th 2023

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Lisa Marie Presley February 1st 1968-January 12th 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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