c. 26

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I wasn't going to upload this but my favorite fic got updated out of no where and it inspired me to stop being lazy.


Drew zipped through the air towards the scouts. She landed next to Nanaba and Hange, looking over the rest of Hange squad she let out a breath of relief. "Glad you guys are alive."

Everyone turned to look at Drew. "What's the plan?" Nanaba asked.

The younger girl looked at her confused. "Why are you asking me?"

"You know everything?"

Drew shrugged. "So? Doesn't mean I know what to do."

"But it does." Nanaba put her hands on her hips. "Part of knowing the future means knowing what to do in the present."

The ravenhaired girl rolled her eyes. "It doesn't work like that, but I mean... best plan for you guys is to stay away from the Bertholdt."

She paused to think, she didn't want the rumbling to happen. So should she let Armin become the colossal titan? Should she keep Bertholdt alive. Use Annie to make the people of Marley believe she was on her side?

Drew looked up to see Annie in the distance standing protectively over Reiner in her titan form. He was on all fours with his nape exposed.

"Will you guys trust whatever I do?" Drew turned to look at Hange and Nanaba, Moblit eavesdropped from behind the two. "I'm going to save Reiner and Annie."

Hange looked perplexed. "What? Are you going crazy?"

Nanaba agreed. "Stop spending so much time with Hange."

"Look, I'm going to pretend to be on their side. When you guys reach Erens basement you'll learn the truth. But today, you guys won't win this fight, and we need their help to stop the rumbling."

"Rumbling?" Hange asked confused. "Hey I think Nanaba is right, maybe we should stop eating lunch together."

Drew rolled her eyes. "If Erwin lives today, he will know what to do. We need to ally ourselves with the warriors to save humanity."

"Hange." The scientist was surprised when Drew placed both her hands on her shoulders. "I need you to find a way to stop titan shifters from shifting."

The two older women looked confused, but they didn't have a chance to say anything. Drew looked behind them and disappeared at once.

Mikasa threw a thunderspear at Reiners exposed nape, only for it to be blocked by Drew's body. Annie let out a high pitched scream as she reached down and grabbed Drew before she could fall to the floor.

"Fucking bitchass-" Drew slapped the ends of her hair that caught flame. Annie couldn't speak in her titan form, but Drew knew the look in her eye.

Mikasa landed on the roof next to them. "What are you doing?" She grabbed Drew and looked over her body. "Are you okay? Why did you do that?!"

Drew stood up and threw her arms around Mikasa. "I'm going to disappear for a while. When you reach Erens basement, you'll know where I went. Just know I am doing everything I can do to stop the future."

"What are you babbling about?" Mikasa asked confused.

"Tell this to Eren, he'll understand what I mean after he kissea Historias hand. Tell that punk to let me handle it." She let go of Mikasa, Annie looked down at them confused.

Mikasa looked bewildered at what Drew was saying. "Where are you going?"

Drew shook her head. "Just get out of here, tell the others to withdraw." She nudged her slightly and she hesitantly whizzed away towards the rest of Levi squad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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