C. 12

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"Annie?" Drew whispered into the shorter girl's chest from the position they lay in. 

"Hmm?" Annie hummed from above Drew. 

"...are you awake?" 


"Cant sleep?" 


"Same. Do you wanna go outside?" 


Drew blinked for a moment before assuming that was a yes and dragging her body out of bed. 

The two slip their shoes on and slip out of the infirmary, Drew's hand was absolutely throbbing but the cold hallways distracted her. 

The two were already walking closely but Annie gripped onto Drew's arm and pulled their bodies closer as they roamed the halls. 

"If you tell anyone about this I'll deny it then murder you in your sleep." The blonde hid her face in Drew's arm as they walked slowly. 

Drew just smiled down at the surprisingly blushing girl and joked, "Mmm, don't threaten me with a good time Annie." 

Annie took a deep breath before looking up at Drew. "Do you… want to talk about last night?" 

"Nope." Drew shot down quickly and Annie thanked any greater force out there that they didn't have to have an awkward conversation about feelings. 




"Can we stop saying okay?" 



The taller girl opened the door for the two leading to an outside corridor where members of the 104th were gathering for transportation for Erens trial. 

Annie let go of Drew's arm when a stern looking Mikasa started walking towards them. 

Mikasa complely ignores the cold glare Annie was giving her and directs her attention to Drew. "Drew, I need to talk to you." 

"What is it?" Annie asks for Drew. 

"I need to talk to her." 

"I'll give her the message, what is it?"

"Thanks. But I'll tell her myself." 

"Its no trouble at all." 

"Its not trouble for me either." 

"Its pretty crowded out here this morning, so it could be a pain to move around."

"That's enough, I'm done listening." Mikasa grabs Drew's arm and pulls her away from Annie.

"Oop, okay whatever. Use me as a doll."

Once Mikasa had pulled Drew out of Annie's ear distance, she threw Drew onto a bench. 

The bench started to fall backwords, but Mikasa used her right foot to slam it back forward. 

Mikasa grabbed Drew's shirt collar with her left hand and leant over to look her in the eye. 

"What the hell?-" 

"Didn't I tell you not to get hurt?" 

Drew blinked, scrunched her eyebrows, and scratched the back of her head. 

"I don't really recall, actually.-" 

"You're so reckless. Mina said you got swallowed whole." 

what a time - AOT GIRLS X FEM!OCWhere stories live. Discover now