C. 15

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An: ask and thy shall receive


The next morning the higher up scouts went away to Sina to attend a 'meeting' where they will be discussing the female titan. In reality, when they get there they will find her room looking like it was broken into. 

Weeks ahead of time Annie, Drew and Marco made the plan to make everyone believe Annie was killed after an investigation gone wrong. 

Hopefully Annie kept up her part of the plan and made some friends to help her out. 

With Drew's amazing pickpocketing skills she made a good deal with the local underground gangs to get Annie under Sina and as close to Wall Maria as possible. 

Last night Marco insisted that he stay the night with Drew to make sure she didn't throw up or choke on any of the medicine Hange had brought her. 

He even woke her up early for breakfast so people didn't have to see her while she was "sick" and so she didn't have to see Mikasa and accidently light her head on fire. 

That didn't work out though. 

Because the moment Marco excused himself to use the restroom Mikasa appeared next to her. 

Drew's eyes bulged out of her socket,'Damn the balls on this bitch' she thought to herself.' She quickly tried to walk away but Mikasa followed her. 

"Piss off Ackerman." She mumbled trying to walk into her room. 

She pushed the door open and tried to shut it close in Mikasa's face but a shoe stopped it from shutting.

"Ackerman, I'm serious. Leave." 

"I just want to talk to you." Mikasa whispered not thinking Drew would hear her. 

"Well I don't want to talk to you." She said loudly. Thinking Mikasa would take the hint. 

She didn't. 

Drew put all her body weight onto the door trying to shut it. 

Mikasa yanked the door forward and it swung open the other way. 

The door opens both ways. 

"Oh?" Drew fell face first into Mikasa's boobs. "Oooh?" 

"I just want to explain myself." Mikasa lightly lifted Drew off of her breast. 


Mikasa sighed before getting started. "Captain Levi and Commander Erwin said they suspected someone was working with the female titan. And a really good case against you was made." 

"And what was that?" 

"Well. You jumped out of a titans mouth. And you always seem to know what to do." 

"Hmm" Drew hummed. "I don't. I just do it and hope I don't die." 

"Are you sure?" Mikasa looked right into her eyes. 

"I'm 100% sure that I never know what I'm doing Mikasa." Drew kept eye contact to reassure her. 

"You're not a traitor?" Mikasa asked. 


"You're not planning against the scouts?" 


"You're not a titan?" 

Drew scoffed "if I was a titan I would have healed this by now." She lifted the bottom of her shirt to show the purple bruise left by captain Levi. 

what a time - AOT GIRLS X FEM!OCWhere stories live. Discover now