C. 22

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AN: do you guys know that I can see the name of your reading lists.

Right? 🥴


Everyone looked up towards the 50 meter tall wall and prepared to climb. Drew was irritated that they had to climb the wall without one of the nice big safe elevators.

"You scared, Drew?" Mikasa teased from behind her.

Drew nodded. "You know I'm scared of heights."

Mikasa laughed and rubbed her back soothingly. "I'll make sure you don't fall."

Mikasa started latching her hooks into the wall, she turned back and looked at Drew "Are you coming?" She quirked her eyebrow.

"You better not let me fall." Drew muttered when she reached Mikasa.

The two continued up the wall, Mikasa pausing every few seconds to make sure Drew was still climbing. Once they were about half way up one of Drew's hooks loosened, Mikasa quickly pulled Drew up.


Mikasa nodded and waited for her to get settled in again.

The two scoffed when they saw Connie and Sasha racing up to the top. Those two never really knew how to read the room. By now almost everyone was informed about Reiner and Bertholdt and they were still messing around.

When they reached the top Sasha pulled Drew up and dusted her off. "Took you long enough." She joked.

"Took you long enough." Drew mimicked. She turned around and saw Eren helping Reiner up.

She nodded to Mikasa and Sasha and walked over to Reiner, Bertholdt and Eren.

"Hey Reiner. How's your arm?" He looked her over.

"Its fine."

She nodded and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I'm really sorry I didn't get there in time to help you."

She turned around and saw Hannes speaking with Hange and the others. They must still be looking for the hole.

"I- uh its fine. Really. You saved us in the end that's all that matters."

She smiled up to Reiner and Bertholdt "I hope you guys know that if anything happened to any of you I would be devastated. We already lost so many people, half of my squad was just wiped. And-" she took in a shaky breath for effect. "-and honestly. You three are really important to me. We don't talk much but the times we've had were very nice."

Bertholdt smiled but Eren and Reiner stared at her weirdly.

"Wheres all this coming from?" Eren asked.

She laughed nervously, "Well I had three near death experiences yesterday so I just wanted to get it off my chest. Make sure you guys knew I cared about you... incase I die one day and can't say it."

Once again, she was thanking her old 8th grade drama teacher. Her acting skills seemed so believable right now.

She was going to turn around and leave but Reiner stopped her. "Do you two have a minute?"

"Sure. I guess." Eren stepped closer to hear them over the wind and Drew could feel Mikasas eyes on them.

"Five years ago, we compromised wall Maria and launched an attack on humanity. I'm the armored titan. And he's the colossal titan."

Drew was baffled at our casual he was in person.

"What are you talking about." Drew gripped onto her blades. She knew what was about to happen, but still she wanted to be ready.

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