C. 7 - Zero

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Drew soars through the sky, looking for more titan dummies to slash up. She knew she had the most titan kills so far, so she was skimming ahead of everyone with a little help of airbending to spot for the others. She saw Armin towards her left and called out to him for the kill. Drew smirks when Armin cheered for getting his first kill.  

Annie Leonhart. Gifted with a sword but does not exactly play well with others

Bertholdt Hoover. Heaps of native talent but too minded-mannered. 

Jean Kirschtein. Second of the class on ODM, also an insufferable smartass with a hair-trigger temper.

Sasha Braus. Unusually fine instincts. Rarely shares them with her teammates. 

Conny Springer. Agile on the switchbacks but a few sandwiches shy of a picnic. 

Drew Amos. Head of the class on ODM, faster than potato girl on her way to the lunch lines. Excels in teamwork and bonding, great for a future leader roll.

Mikasa Ackerman. Model Cadet. Excels in everything. In fact, it’s no overstatement to call the girl a genius. 

Eren Jaeger. Lacklustre in the classroom, marginally better in the field. But driven by a sense of purpose that’s almost terrifying. 


While the rest of the cadets practiced hand to hand combat, Drew was standing next to Sadies waiting for him to finally speak. 

“Do you know which regiment you will be joining?” 

Drew and Sadies look forward as they speak, watching the other cadets train.

“The scouts, of course.” 

“Hmm. That’s great to hear. I want you to be on your best behavior tonight.” 

“Of course sir.” It wasn’t a rare thing to hear coming out of Sadies mouth to the young cadet. She had a short temper some nights and would often yell at fellow comrades to learn their place. Drew didn’t know, but at the moment Sadies was trying to warn her that she would be having a certain visitor tonight. 


“So, what were you and Sadies talking about?” Marco threw his arm around Drew’s shoulders as they walked to the mess hall for their last lunch as cadets. 

“Just for me to not be an idiot tonight at graduation.” Drew smiled and sat at their groups regular table. 

“Yikes, I don’t think that’s possible.” Jean had caught up the conversation easily when the duo sat down.

“Yeah? Like me trying to get you to join the scouts impossible or you trying to convince me your haircut is good, impossible?” 

“Tsk, I'm never joining the scouts, and my haircut is good.” 

“Hmm, okay whatever you say Jeanie.” 

Soon after Jean had got boosting about his skill on the ODM gear, purposefully speaking loudly to bother Eren. 

“Poor Jean, so misguided.” Eren took a sip of his drink before continuing on “And besides, I don’t think your head will fit in the interior anyway.” Connie and Reiner break into giggles, Drew just smiles into her cup pretending to take a drink. 

“Very funny.” 

“Seems a little backwards to me.” 

Drew quickly stood up to take her tray’s back, tossing Sasha her bread while she passed. 

Something someone said made Drew stop walking, and the mess hall go quite. Even Eren and Jean stopped mid fight to look at the person.

“What did you just say..” Drew’s voice scared everyone in the room, it sounded like she was about to kill the next person to breath.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that!” A cadet, named Pucker, said hold his hands up and backed away.

“Then how did you mean it..” Drew walked over to Pucker and lifted him by his collar. 

The talk Drew had erleary with Sadies slipped her mind, she was about to go berserk on this kid’s face. 

“I-m just. Uh”

“Go ahead and repeat what you said.” 

“All- all I said was that you were fattening her up like a pig for the titans.”

“Hmm.” Drew let go of Puckers collar, hell she even smooth it out and smiled at him.

“That’s what I thought.” Everyone sighed a breath of releif, they thought Drew was about to murder him. 

She was.

Drew let go of the tray that had previously had her soup and tackled Pucker to the ground sending punches with both her fist. 

Reiner and Bertholdt had struggled getting Drew off the poor boy. Everyone else just stared at the scene with wide eyes. Including Sadies and two mystery people who stood by the doorway.

“Listen here you little shit stain!” Drew struggled getting out of the older guys grips while shouting insults. “You may not like someone, but in this world!  You have to learn to respect them. I don’t like Daz, but hell if we were getting attacked by titans right now- I would save him before you. This world is too cruel-” Drew finally freed herself from their hold and slowly walked back to Pucker and put him on his feet again. “For you to be a bitch.” With that and one last headbut, Drew started walking back to her seat. 

“Cadet Amos.” Sadies' loud voice called from the front. Everyone's eyes slowly turned to Sadies. “Did I not tell you to be on your best behavior.” The two got into an intense eye staring contest, everyone else was looking at the two others who had their hoods on and backs turned to everyone else. “Everyone out, except you.” 

Drew potentially waited for the cadets to clear out, she received multiple worried glances from her friends and other random cadets. Marco had slipped a black cloth into her hand and whispered “For luck.” Before quickly following Jean out of the mess hall. 

“Cadet. This is Commander Erwin and Section Commander Hanji.” Drew’s hazel eyes widened, she didn’t expect to meet them so soon. Quickly doing a salute, Drew bit on her lips anxiously when they took off their hoods. 

“At ease.” 

“We would like to have a word with you.” Commander Erwin looks deep into Drew’s eyes.

‘Why does he look like he can read my thoughts.’


Drew lef the mess hall angry at Commander Erwin. He had kept her past graduation and past the celebration dinner. 

He had heard from a garrison soldier that a child had saved his life, and wanted to visit them and ask a couple questions.

Just the basics, “Are you going to devote your heart?” “What would you do in a situation like this?” And blah blah blah. 

The only interesting thing that left his mouth was when he told Drew her rankings. 

She was so far ahead from every other cadet, they felt like she didn’t deserve rank 1.

So they gave her a new rank.

Rank Zero. 


AN: I heard of rank zero in another fanfic, I can’t remember it but I do not take credit for coming up with this. If any of you know which fan fic I am referring to please let me know!

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