Chapter 37

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Terry Arden

Donavan sounded the alarms and everyone dispersed like frightened mice off the field after training. Trying to catch Irwin was like trying to catch a gale, but my ego was a bit bruised. Irwin finished me like a wolf devoured a new kill, but it was not over, for Malt was not done with my bony remains. My crazy job description as a fullback was the meat of our discussion, and I stared at him like he gut-punched me.

"You want me to what?" I asked. We stood in the center of the field, and there were a few players littered on the edges of the field.  

Malt had his arms swinging as he swayed. "We're going want you to block, so I want you to be trained for that."

My hands gestured in shock. "Liiiiike-"

"It's where you prevent a rusher from hitting me."

"So you want me to be a glorified bodyguard?"

"It's not as bad as it sounds." I hated this sport. He continued, "And we need a fullback that can block especially with our terrible o-line."

"Yeah, whatever, Malty."

Malt gestured with his hands crooked like he begged me. "I mean, we gonna to need that. The last match, I got lick all over the place. Plus." His hand momentarily gestured towards Makada talking to Nodelyn. "You will have to protect her too. I mean she's my backup."

"You forget I'm also a backup, so I should not even be on the field, my youth."

"No, you will be on the field, sometimes. We can't sweat Irwin."

That meant I was doing the unimportant stuff, while Irwin flew across the field scoring touchdowns. I groaned in annoyance. "Yeah, yeah."

Malt straightened, and his shoulders relaxed. "Great, we can start training in that, next time."

I really needed to leave. "Yeah, yeah, sure man. Me'll see you."

Malt said after my shrinking back. "Cool, thanks."

Irwin got carted off by Leon. Leon said he needed to leave, so I received the money to buy Nodelyn her pizza and he told me to buy something for myself. Don was the short guy and he told me he was going to go with Leon.

I walked to the van, shouting to Makada and Nodelyn to come, while Kimani wanted me to carry him to Santa Cruz. They hopped in and I carried them leisurely throughout Berryhill with Kimani grumbling about the news they received from Donavan. I reached home, picked up Ashley off my brother's hand. I was going into the town so I decided to spend some time with her.

When I came to the van with Ashley in my arms, Ashley began the introductions when I put her on her feet next to Kimani. "Hi."

Nodelyn waved at Ashley and said, "Hi..." then she directed this at me, "You have a kid?"

I asked, "That seems surprising to you?" 

Nodelyn held her palms up. "No, no, no. Just did not know." 

Kimani yawned, while Nodelyn's son started fiddling with the seat belts in the back. "Mommy, I have tentacles."

Nodelyn frowned and replied, "Please sit back. Lola sit up. Sorry 'bout that."

"No problem, I used to be young once," I said and got into the front seat. We pulled away from my house and soon left the stone structures of Berryhill and moved into the lovely forested neighbors that gave us our nightly provisions every harvest. 

The van sped around the sidewalk-less hilly roads dressed with tall skinny stalk bushes along the grizzled rock. I spun the steering wheel, while Kimani kissed his teeth in his irritation.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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