Chapter 25

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Nodelyn Johnson

We stopped in front of the house. The sun cut in through the glass and revealed the dust that levitated around me like party favor, the only female in the car. Leon shook his head back. "Next stop, the Pristine household."

I rolled my eyes, while Leon laughed. "Irwin get dropped off at the field right?"

Donavan stared in space like some living dead, yet had enough life to open his mouth. "Most likely."

I had not brought Phillip today, but it was Lola and him running to the car with giddy faces. My smirk and wave greeted them from inside. They waved back. I was glad Kimani brought Lola back to my aunt.

Thinking of him made me sick in my stomach. Like I would allow him inside Aunt Riana's house for quick sex, I have not had sex with him for two years and that was how long he avoided me and his daughter Lola for his supposed football career, or should I say soccer? Regardless, he was gallivanting with a new woman every week throughout that time, so he avoided his daughter for nothing.

Kimani, the affinity of my untapped hatred contained the maturity of a fetus and the arrogance of bull. Why had I found that boy appealing? Sighing, thank God Aunt Riana was helping me with my children.

When it comes to Kimani he always felt like he had to get something to give something and what he was giving was not that valuable either. His money was not needed. Work, that was a given for me. Waiting, that was all I had to do. In the name of Jesus, the opportunity was definitely in the works.

I was about to open the door and leave, yet, I hesitated.

Donavan looked dejected the whole ride over. Well, I could not blame him. He just had the most embarrassing thing occur to him today. Funnily enough, he told me this was a regular occurrence.

I still felt bad for Donavan. Especially when that bald, pig-faced john crow was laughing so loud. If I had a bucket of acid I would have thrown it in Oxler's face and melt off that smirk.

I told Donavan he should run his team better. It was his responsibility to get the team ready.

"Hey, Donavan do not worry about it. You will get them next time," I said.

Donavan turned his head and gave me a nod. "Yeah." He turned back around and continued his gloomy attitude.

I pursed my lips. He was on the edge of despair. After a second of hesitation, I said, "Brighten up already, You can just do as hmmm, Al-whatever him wan' name said and get twenty people."

Donavan looked back around and was even more dejected, if that was even possible. "How, I only recruited one player since I been in charge."

"Terry would make two." Leon cut in.

"Dude, Terry did not even want to train for this match and said he was never a member. He only did me a favor back then." Donavan kissed his teeth and blew through his nose. "I do not even have time to look for sponsors, much less recruit anybody." He sighed finally and turned around.

I opened the door allowing Phillip and Lola to jump up on me. My skirt was pulled and the backend tightened against the back of my waist. Their sweat plopped onto it darkening the yellow into a dreary tan color. Then I blurted out, "Maybe you should have someone recruit for you?"

Donavan shook his head with morbid staleness. "No one is going to do that for free."

I waved my hands up in a shrugging gesture. "How much would you pay, maybe I can find someone."

His voice lowered. "Not enough to interest anyone."

I figured he would have said that. Still, there are many ways to go about it, and honestly, he needed help. He was juggling too many things. I looked down at Phillip and Lola in my lap. Was this a sign? "I-alright hmm, I will help you."

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