Chapter 24

4 1 15

Terry Arden

Worthlessness was not easily determined. I looked up and sighed at this display which was worse than the last match we lost. Turning, I took myself out of the pit in the stadium and made my way to the parking lot.

I was stepping away with the end as unglamorous as anyone would have envisioned. The loudspeaker buzzed. "Due to the technical unavailability of players, Berry Hill Assassins have been disqualified. The winner will default to Cedar Groove Fierce."

Is that so? Who would have thought? Good thing, I had not put on anything. If I had, it would not have mattered. There were too many delinquent people this time around.

Donavan and a few people like Leon cared, however, the rest did not. It was sad really to be putting in all this effort only for people to disappoint you constantly. I twisted my lips in revulsion at the fact that I was remembering who I once was.

Terrible thoughts were a pain to the cranium, and so were memories.


I turned around to see Vanessa running in behind me. She stopped and fell forward breathing hard. We were standing in the parking lot and the van was close by. Not many cars rested in this parking lot now that I thought of it.

She was wearing a grizzly hairstyle, so all I saw was this bountiful boom over her face.

I said, "You should have joined the team. You run faster than Irwin."

She whipped her head up. That grin brightened with that delightful gleam of her lip gloss, while her lips puckered tenderly. She pushed me and her face drowned in uncertainty. "Shut up. No one extra came?"

I shook my head. "Nope. They had to forfeit."

Her eyes fell and looked to my side. Vannessa's pink blouse rocked to her depressing shoulders. "Where is Nodelyn?" she asked.

I remarked, "Cussing Donavan out."

She looked back at me with a stilted glare. I waved my arms up and replied, "To be honest it was not really his fault, it is Peart and John. He said he would come and we nah see him."

She pursed her lips. "Or he could be late?"

I rolled my eyes at some assumption he was ever going to come. "It's too late now."

Vanessa sighed. "Can't believe this, and the worst part is that arrogant player from Port Antonio was laughing out loud like it was funny. This is embarrassing. Really a bad look."

I whipped my head back and my face tensed in confusion. "Who? Alwayne?"

"No, Oxler. He is disgusting, you know? I swear, my spirit hate him. Imagine, Nodelyn almost fight him the last time we were here."

I snickered and cleared my throat to stop myself. "Sounds like her." I saw Donavan and the dejected heap walking the only path allowed to them. The shameful one, I said, "Here they come."

By the time they reached, some went inside the van. Others lingered in the parking lot with long faces outside. Donavan listened to something Nodelyn was saying. Seemed to be important with all her hand gestures and pouting lips.

Irwin was looking up with a dazed face. Now that I think of it this was the last time I would bring the guys if I think about it. It was fun, tiring, but fun. All good things must come to an end after all. It was not like they were that good anyway.

Alwayne ran up to us in his usual hot boy attire. Essentially, it was a tight black shirt that hugged his muscles and a tribal chain with a sparkling gold watch to add.

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