4 - Realization

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Caine and "Alchemist Bubble" were in a secret room hidden in the void, discussing the cure they were trying to make to reverse the abstractions. They had tested many "solutions", but none of them seemed to work. However, they had great hope in their current one.

"I haven't had an opportunity to test this one yet, as timing has been bad. There's always one person near the entrance to the cellar lately. " Caine explained.

"That's quite alright Caine! But, I did a bit more testing on our most recent concoction, and it seems to have some flaws. I highly doubt it'll work." Bubble replied, the smile on its face everlasting.

"I guess you must've put more love in it than you were legally allowed to give!" They both chuckled, mainly Caine. After a sigh, Caine continued, "I guess that means I should give this back to you!" He reached into his pocket, his face becoming more worried in each second his hand remained in there.

"How odd, it seems I cannot find it! Hopefully I haven't lost it. And even worse... hopefully a player hasn't found it!"

"That would be quuuuite a shame! Especially because I currently have no idea what effects it may have!"

"Give me a second, my hundreds of all seeing eyes must've picked up something." They both checked Caine's Wacky Watch and looked all around the place.

"Hey, Caine, what's that?" Bubble questioned, motioning his head towards a spill on the floor.

"Oh my, it appears the potion must've broke on the floor! Let's hope nobody touched it, or else they'll feel its effects! Let's rewind the tapes, shall we?" They began to look at the previous day, and noticed Pomni picking the bottle off the floor and bringing it to her room. Then, they saw her carrying it out.

"How loyal. She was probably going to give it back to us! But, how did it break?" Caine asked. They continued to watch the footage, and noticed Jax tripping Pomni, causing the potion to break. Caine scowled.

"Of course it was the rabbit! He's always getting us into trouble," Bubble observed.

"Wait a minute..." Caine replied inquisitively. "Pomni HAS been acting weird towards Jax, and he was right next to her when the elixir broke. Do you think that could be the cause?"


"Well you know what that means; we have to go tell Jax!"

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