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Warning !!murder


"Get your fucking hands off her-!"
I turn to see Sweeney grabbing the man's arm and yanking it easily off my waist.
"Sweeney! Sweeney wait-!" I hiss quickly, panicking that he's going to cause a scene on our first day of business, potentially ruining all chances of getting Beadle and Turpin here.
I quickly move beside him and grab his elbow, that is arched grabbing the man.

"The hell do you think your doing boy?" The man calls out and a few people turn to look at us, including Nellie in the far distance and she doesn't look too happy, causing me to wince.

"Sweeney please, not here-!" I whisper beside his head, making sure that the man doesn't hear me. But Sweeney doesn't budge, instead he continues to hold the man hostage with his arm shaking slightly. He's pissed,  and he has every reason to be, this pig was planning on assaulting me in front of everyone.....and no one helped........except for Sweeney.

I squeeze Sweeney's arm tighter and get really close to his ear.
"Upstairs! Now!" I hiss in his ear and he looks at me, not moving his head, and he contemplates on letting the man go. I look at him with a serious expression, trying to get him to understand that he can have this man. And right now, so do I.

Sweeney sighs and releases the man, causing him to stumble. He steps back and brushes his vest and stands straight to seem like a businessman of some kind, and I'm just glad that he's somewhat calmed down.
I turn to look around and thankfully, people have continued to eat their pies, their talking rising once more.

"You got some nerve" the man chuckles and I see Sweeneys jaw visibly tick

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"You got some nerve" the man chuckles and I see Sweeneys jaw visibly tick. I'm still holding his arm and this time, I snake my arm around his in attempts to keep him from lunging himself at this man again, and it seems his entire body tenses.

"Apologies sir. He was just confused, is all" I laugh, trying to hide the obvious lie, and the fact that I too wish to lunge myself at this man. But there's too many people around.

"Allow us to repay you for the misunderstanding" i say, listing my hand slightly indicating a gesture and the man scoffs, swaying slightly, almost like he's ready to fall over.
"Please, i should sue your asses" he scoffs once more, and I can tell Sweeney is losing patience, as his whole body is tense and ready to go, but i hood him firmly.

"Oh sir no. How about a shave? Free of charge?" I rush out, not wanting this man to leave and it looks like he's ready too.
He stops and looks at us both and i hope to god that he says yes, with how quickly and randomly I asked, he might say no.
"A shave? Ha, do I look like I need a shave?" He laughs loudly and picks up a cup of alcohol off the tables, chugging some, causing it too spill over his messy beard.

"No course not. But my partner here is a professional, and I can assure you, he will shave your beard to look at its finest. I'm sure the ladies will love it..." I'm desperate at this point to get this man upstairs, my fingers itch for my blade-
Wait, my blade-!
I had completely forgotten about it. And if I remember correctly, Sweeney still has it.

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